Jan 15, 2011

Real estate has eaten my life.

No, not really.  It just feels like it this weekend.  We close on our first rental house this next week, and then the work starts to get it rehabbed and rented.  Spent all day today looking at other houses, ending with putting an offer on another one.  Tomorrow we'll drive out to look at yet ANOTHER one.

All I really wanted to do this rainy weekend was stay home, do domestic stuff, and play in my nice clean room.  (Pout, pout.  Yeah, okay, poor me.  A little cheese to go with that whine?)

Oh well.  It's a three-day weekend for the hubs, so maybe Monday we can just fart around in footy pajamas.  :~)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the rental (I think! haha! It sounds like a lot of work). I can't even get my own house clean! Have a lovely footie day tomorrow! xox Pam


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