Nov 17, 2020

I did it. And it is wonderful.

 I just deleted my Facebook account.  Feels like a hundred pounds has rolled off my chest.  The MeWe thing will take a while to get off the ground, but it'll be worth it in the end, and quite a few folk have already switched, so there are friends there I know. 

It will also take a while to get any kind of presence established there regarding the folk art, but that's okay, too.  I hope to do more locally, as this town is very touristy, with fairs and carnivals throughout the summer.  Well, once the diaper-face hysterics let up.  At any rate, it's been amazing how much of a time-suck it was, how often I checked it, and how much I depended on online communications (even if they made me mad) as opposed to real people who matter, in person.  What did we do before Facebook?  We had phone calls, we wrote letters, we sent photos to the kids and got them in return.  We lived a real life instead of a virtual one.  I'm looking forward to that. 

The house is coming along, though we still won't be in til almost Christmas.  We get interior doors delivered tomorrow, along with decking materials.  Flooring guy will be there Monday, and we're hoping to have at least the lower cabinets installed before then--I've been painting cabinets for a week!  But it's already beginning to feel like home.  Yesterday morning when I went out there to start the day painting, I saw elk along one edge of the acre, and turkeys roosting in the trees behind the house.  Moving in will be a wonderful Christmas present. 

Happy Thanksgiving if I don't hear from y'all in the meantime.