Feb 26, 2018

One little box left.

Recently, because four million things on my to-do list is just not enough, I joined Primitive Handmades Mercantile.  I listed three things--Rachel, a not-quite-Izannah doll, and two little wool-applique boxes. I confess I stink at remembering to post it around on social media, but I'll get better.

Anyway, Rachel sold, and the little Thistle button box sold, but I still have the little covered notions box.  I'd never covered a box with cloth before, but it was not too hard, and the results were pleasing.  I guess I'll have four million and one things to do now, because I want to cover a bunch of storage boxes I keep my Christmas decorations in, atop the cabinets in our office! 

I hope your week goes wonderfully, and you discover something fabulous in your travels.

Feb 15, 2018

The arts! They are too many!!!

Punch needle, rug hooking, embroidery, household sewing, folk art--sculpting and painting and general making--as well as dolls.  Was that enough?  Oh no. 

I got a big curly hair to make great big quilted wall hangings.  I've wanted to for a long time, but I finally got out the paper and started designing.  I've made the blocks for each, sewed them together, and crazy-quilt stitched the block joins.  I'm now cutting out the wool design pieces and am appliqueing them on.  It's a verrrry slow process. 

In the end, I will create patterns to sell in my Etsy shop, and have the wall hangings for my home.  Wait, is that the end?  Oh no.

A friend in a local sewing group invited me to a crazy-quilting class.  I've always wanted to make a crazy quilt--there's something so wonderfully unrestricted about this form of quilting.  So I went, and boy did that bug bite me hard!  So add THAT art form to the too-many-bees-in-my-bonnet. 

Here are some photos of the wall hanging project.  My husband is so very patient with my messes.  The design stage required a bit more space than my studio allowed, so I set up a 6 foot table in our bedroom--which stayed there for three weeks!  (I have started a part time job, which causes the most inconvenient interruptions.)


Hope your February is going as you would have it go.  It's been wet here--which is good, because we've had a scary-dry winter.  Cheers!