Apr 27, 2017


I made a resolution early this year, and that was to NOT work on doll-related stuff in the evenings when the hubs and I watch TV.  It was beginning to feel like work, and I love the doll biz too much to let it become drudgery.  But I do like having some kind of handwork to do (call me a multi-tasker--I can watch Bones reruns and sew!  Woohoo!). 

I also have a Folk Art Fair coming up in June, so I figured I could do little tops for the tons of papermache boxes I have in the studio.  (Does anybody else suffer from an addiction to small containers?  It's a sadness I'm trying to turn into a happiness.)  One is a punch needle, using 3 strands of embroidery cotton, the others are wool applique and embroidery.  The Thistle is not yet complete, but in all, I'm enjoying the work AND being productive.

Hope y'all have a lovely weekend. 

Apr 15, 2017

Irises for sale!

I've got to clear out my iris beds--never move to a place with a tiny yard when you have an insane love of gardening--and to that end, I've listed the NOID's (no i.d.) to make room for the others.  If you have any need for iris, or know of anyone who does, these are healthy, and will be freshly dug and prepared for planting upon arrival.  The ebay listing is here. 

If you don't want ten rhizomes, I'd write a smaller listing for five at a time (half the price and 2/3 of the shipping--iris are heavy.  :) 

Happy Easter!

Apr 7, 2017

Spring Dizzies.

So much to do, but...it's SPRING!

A common complaint, I'm sure.  I have a lot of outdoor chores to do today--mulching, soap for the aphids, digging the amendments into the new bed along Fool's Creek.  That's what I call the awful concrete drainage monstrosity they put in between our house and the neighbor's--Fool's Creek.  Long story short; it took them four months and who-knows-how-much money to install a hazardous 100 ft concrete trough when it could have taken them a month and 1/4 of the money to bury a culvert.  Sorry.  I'm still bitter about it.  But I have a small fence along it (hoping to keep from falling in the trough and cracking my head) upon which I will plant honeysuckle and bittersweet. 

But all that's the outside work, and there is so much going on inside!  Or should be.  I have a new commission--do you remember last year's ornament order?  Same lady wants little cupid-type angels this year, and I'm glad she contacted me early.  Should be interesting, as all 14 of them need to be different, in face and aspect, but the same in wing and size. 

I've gotten busy with drawing plans for punch needle, wool applique and embroidery projects.  Mostly I'm covering small boxes and pin keeps for the upcoming Folk Art Fair in June.  I'll definitely have my dolls there, but as this is not a doll show, I will take it as a chance to make some other things, and hope for the best.  Besides, I love the fiber arts, and have enjoyed the different directions I'm going lately. 

I finally finished the penny rug I designed for our coffee table.  The projects I'll make for the folk art fair will be much smaller, but still satisfying.  Cheers, y'all.