Feb 19, 2016

Lesson Learned.

Don't buy old celluloid dolls.  They--at least the ones I bought--are as fragile as eggshells.  I have long admired the old German "Turtle Mark" dolls.  I finally found a pair at a reasonable price, a sweet little Hansel and Gretel type pair.

The little boy doll's head had some damage, but the seller included the pieces, saying it could be fixed.  Like an idiot, I believed her.  

So they arrived, and the boy's head was further broken.  I tried to glue it all together, but it was an awful mess.  Try to reassemble and egg shell and you'll know what I mean.  It was well enough that his hat would cover it, so I figured I'd cut my losses.  Then as I was holding the girl doll, and gently moving her legs to see if she would sit (because I don't have a stand to fit her), her leg crumbled in my hand!

I was really looking forward to these dolls, and now they're just...sad.  So.  Don't buy old celluloid dolls, unless you've got them in your hand and can see that they're in good shape.  Or better yet, just get really good photos that you can frame.  Less heartache. 

EDITED TO ADD:  I wrote to the sellers to relate my disappointment in these dolls...they have kindly refunded the money for them, minus shipping.  They would have refunded even that, but I decided to keep the clothing, so we're agreed that only the doll-cost would be refunded.  I guess there is another pair of Hansel and Gretel cloth dolls in my future!  But they'll be tiny--these are only 10" tall.  :~)

Feb 14, 2016

Lucinda and Boo, and other news.

I finally put some dolls in my ebay shop.  Lucinda found a home, so she and Boo will be heading to the east coast this Tuesday.  I enjoyed making her, as she was a little bit of "coloring outside the lines" for me.  Many people at the last doll show said they thought she was creepy, but I liked her a lot.  :~)  Y'all have seen her before--but here she is again, for the last time.

In other news: I got a new sewing machine!!!  My old one died, and rather than take it to the repair shop (the parts are no longer made) we decided to make an investment in the doll business and get a new one.  I love it!  It has such cool features--all the bells and whistles, enough that I feel a little duncy trying to use to use it.  So I've enrolled in a couple of "new owner" classes, to make better use of the investment.  More on that progress later.

Also: we're learning to square dance.  Well, I am.  The hubs had square dancing in school every year as he was growing up, so he's familiar already.  (They do that here in AZ, or they did.)  We love it!  A really warm reception from generous folks willing to teach and share their knowledge (and patience with newbies like me) and just an all around good time.  We will try to make regular lessons every week, as no one is allowed to participate in the actual Saturday Night dance until they have "graduated".  The full series of classes takes almost a year!

I know my kids will laugh at me, and I must be on the business side of growing older, because I just can't bring myself to care.  Ha! 

Y'all have a wonderful Valentine's Day (or as we celebrate: Arizona's Birthday).