Jan 28, 2011

My Poor, Dear Hubby...

I told him this weekend he must buy a new chop saw.  How awful is it for a guy's wife to pretty much demand he buy a new power tool?  He has managed to keep his disappointment from showing, bless his heart, and has stoically agreed to buy one this weekend.
For the record, his old one was stolen from our shed last year, and he kept putting off getting a new one because...well, he's just practical.  But I have some wood and clay dolls all planned out, and we need that saw!  I hope he doesn't suffer too much.


  1. You made me nervous! I'm glad all that is wrong is saw deprivation - hahaha! I'm making some dolls with wood, too. I'm not sure how I am going to attach everything, but it is fun! xox

  2. Stolen? that's awful, especially since they are not cheap. My husband would go into mourning if any of his power tools were stolen.

    I like the sound of wood dolls, but it sounds really hard!

  3. HI!!! Thanks for connecting to my blog and leaving a nice comment...I Am LOVING what you do with papercaly...I love the animal faces...lets stay connected (i couldnt find your blog when I clicked on your name...I had to search for it !)...Colleen


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