Sep 25, 2014

Doll show post mortem...

In a word, it went well.  Not as well as the UFDC convention, but that was a one-off anyway, so now I'm jaded.  Haha! 

The actual attendance--on terms of customers and venders both--was amazingly low, and Dorothy sent out poling letters to the vendors to ask for feedback.  Turns out that most vendors did well enough, despite the low attendance, to vote Keep the Schertz Show, but Change the Dates.  This was the third show in September, so we can assume that timing was the issue.  The site itself (Schertz Civic Center) is one of my favorites--well appointed, spacious, great parking, and easy load/unload access for vendors.  So, now the date is back to August, and we'll see what happens next year. 

One of my students from the first art doll class brought her finished doll--I was so pleased to see her!  This sweet dolly was inspired by the old chinas, and Joann found an antique dress that just fit her perfectly.  Hard to believe the girl had never made a doll in her life, isn't it?

Joann's doll is there against the "class dolls" I brought in attempt to fill tables.  Since this summer's UFDC convention went so well, I didn't have quite the set-up of dolls I had planned for, and one whole table would have gone empty.  So I brought along some "works in progress" and a small display for the hands-on doll class.  I figured I like to see how an artist makes his or her art, so maybe customers would too.  Some folks were blind as ever--amazing how many people can be LOOKING at a sign, and not see it.  But there were a few collectors interested in the class, and I'll have to add a weekend class once in a while for week-day workers.

The Lace Lady was there, up from Corpus Christi.  Her actual name is Judy.  Of course, her Bill was there too--he's good support and stoically helps her haul and set up, sitting with her through at least half the day.  She's probably the one vendor I always purchase from at doll shows, because her selection of antique textiles is so great, and she saves me "odd bits" in a bag for a lot price.  Just enough of this bit or that to hem a petticoat or chemise.  This time I actually bought some antique slips and a skirt for the fabric, and she's promised to bring me the Swiss batiste she has, come February.  Hard stuff to come by.  She's also fun to visit with, and we like to yabber about stitching--she's a talented quilter--and creative ideas.

So the show went well, not a huge profit, but lots of fun, sold some dolls, and learned more about what works and what doesn't.  I'm getting good enough at setting up that my time is down--from the nine hours it used to take me to right around four--which includes a little fiddling around with details.

Currently I am working on another Molly Doll, a large Izannah, and a small Izannah for commissions, and enjoying the cooler fall temperatures (high yesterday was only 82 degrees!).  The little Izannah and Molly below have homes--one is on her way to Georgia, and the other will join her new mom in Florida.

Hope all is well with you!

Sep 8, 2014

Life is good.

This was taken fifty years ago today.  (And printed a month later, as they still took rolls of film to the drugstore.)  I put it on my business cards and shop headers as a reminder that we all have to start somewhere.  So far, fifty-one is maybe even better than fifty.

Hope your week is fabulous, dahlinks.

jdconwell art dolls

Sep 5, 2014

Had enough of Blogger, and Happy Birthday Schultz!

After years of Blogger, I have decided to export the blog to another site--some study still required to decide where.  I don't have anything against Blogger, except for the frustration of "losing" my reading list every time I log on.  But it's time to move on.  For those five or six people who actually read my blog (smile guys and wave hi!) I will be sure to post a forwarding address.

In the meantime, it's Schultz's ninth birthday, so...some pictures of him.  Have a great Friday!

Vicious beastie, killing poor Bert.

He came to live with us as a seven week old puppy.

Sometimes his back feet would come off the floor, then slowly descend as his tummy filled. 
Helping Dad get ready for work.

So snuggly.
With his foster cat and best bud, Waylon.
With his sweetheart, Annie.
With his sister, chew toy and roommate, Willie.
We are blessed to have this fellow share our home.