Jun 28, 2013


I call her that because everybody should have a name, right?  But I didn't give her a name in her Ebay Listing, because someone told me that naming them puts some people off.  Maybe so?  My answer is to compromise.  I'll give them names in the Etsy store and at doll shows, but on Ebay, they'll just be dolls.  Not sure if that counts as a controlled experiment, but oh well.

At any rate, this wee girlie went on Ebay this afternoon.  She's the first of the March Madness dolls, finished and looking for a new home.

Hope everybody has a fabulous weekend!  (My hubby has promised me we'll go get more landscaping rocks: color me happy!)

Jun 27, 2013

Let me just say...

Thank you.  I check my Blog Roll daily.  There are some blogs to which I add a comment on every post, and some that I read to see what's up, like a forum, only commenting when moved to do so.  I'm sure most blog readers do this...to comment on every single one would eat huge amounts of time.  And with the "wunderblogs" that see a gazillion comments a day, ya hafta wonder if they even notice anything but the tally numbers after a while, in any case.  More power to 'em, I say!  Nevertheless, on those, I prefer to take note of anything I'd like to remember,
and then be on my way.

Given that this is essentially the option for every one who stops by here, I feel compelled to say this:
I genuinely appreciate you who DO comment, even if it's just a "Hi!" to let me know you're there.

Sometimes blogging feels like speaking in an empty room...(hello?)  You know what I mean.

While my self-esteem isn't solid granite, I'd like to think its health doesn't hinge on the number of responses to a post.  But I can't deny it makes me happy to see familiar faces (avatars?), dropping in to say
Good Luck, or
Oh My, or

                                 So, thanks.  I appreciate you.  

Jun 24, 2013

Summertime and the living is...air conditioned.

It's just about the time of year that I hibernate for summer.  Actually it's a little late for my annual indoor retreat, but I've had a job of landscaping to do, and am still (sort of) working on it.  But only a few hours in the morning, rather than six or eight hours a day like I've been doing.

HUGE changes in the yard...I'll post pictures as soon as we get the rock spread in the limestone walkway I'm digging across the front.  But all the beds I want to dig for this year are in, and now it's down to keeping it alive over the summer.  Helps to have a smaller yard!

In the meantime, the hubby has built the most wonderful sewing cubby for me, enabling me to create a multi-functional workspace with the rest of the room.  So now I have a cubicle for sewing, a wall of table space with separate areas for painting and sculpting...shelving for the Fabric Stash, and the old entertainment center he'd built ages ago for storage of all that crap I can never resist bring home.

I have dithered about this last week, knowing I could really get started if I'd just do it.  But the problem has been that I'm down to a certain hard part of doll making that wears me out, and since I began a dozen or more dolls last March (and did all the fun part), I have LOTS of this hard part to do.  Namely: hands.

The pattern piece for the separate thumb is as small as a pea in some cases, and sewing those tiny thumbs on, stuffing those tiny fingers...well, let's just say this is not an instant gratification part of the doll making.  BUT I started, so the momentum will carry me through.  Sorta like going to the gym.

Hope everyone is staying in out of the heat--or if you live in a place with cold winters and lovely summers, staying out in the sunshine.  I personally am enjoying the AC and some old movies while I sew.

Some of the Izannah dolls I began last March...

Wee little digits for each and every one.