Jan 21, 2016

Plain ol' rag dolls...less plain.

I made these two rag dolls in early 2014.  Apparently the heavy linen I made them from is too course for the average doll collector's taste.  The ones I'd made of muslin sold right away, but these girls just languished until I had to do something. 

Since I've recently been bitten by the painted doll bug and the cloth/rag doll bug, (I can show you the bite marks!) I figured I'd make an attempt at the sort of portrait painting the old oil-painted dolls have.  They're not bad--but I'll get better.  I do like the rough wool I made their hair from, and will have to try this again on other dolls.

My inspiration for these girls has almost no face left--she's a doll I came across a couple of years ago.  I had to sell her, because the AC went out and the antique dealer's offer was good, but to this day I still regret it.  So I try to imagine that Magda (I hope she's being taken good care of, wherever she is) started out as a painted portrait doll.

Jan 8, 2016

Snow Day

It's been raining up here in the high desert for the last several days, and the weather keeps threatening snow.  (In truth, just a few miles further up the mountain, they've had snow while we had rain.)  But we woke up to this, and then the fog settled in.  So peaceful...doesn't look like a golf course, does it?

Jan 7, 2016

Elspeth is dressed now.

She's a very patient girl...just hanging out in the giant purple recliner while I ignore her in favor of finishing other dolls.  Today she got the rest of her unders, and is ready to go.  Willie had to check to see if she approved of everything, of course. 

Jan 4, 2016

Hello 2016! And goodbye Rainbow Clown.

This one is headed to Arkansas today...to a very nice lady who has a collection of antique clowns.  Rainbow will be in good company.

I've listed a lot more dolls in the Etsy store, and in the coming weeks I plan to put some of them on sale at a 20% discount.  The plan is to clear out the ones that don't fit in with a focus I'm trying to develop, so while I enjoyed making them, they're just too bright or sparkly to fit with what I'm aiming to do.

Also, all the Painted Ladies are listed, because they asked me to list them.  :~)  Not really--I just need to stop holding back from Etsy in order to keep stock for doll shows.  If they sell, they sell, and I'll just make more.