Oct 29, 2017

Operation Tidy O'Studio and some works in progress...

Those of you on FB have already seen these, but I thought to share it here.  I got three days to totally overhaul my studio--and will be selling mucho doll supplies on Ebay over the next months. 

The trick now is to keep it clean, and I think some of my changes in there will help.  Every time I rework everything, I get a little closer to refining a system that makes it easy to keep it tidy--the tools I use constantly are stored within reach of my chair, so I have only to tidy it up before I even get up.  So far I've had the room a week and it's still spotless.  This might well be a record.  (Try not to laugh.)

The week wouldn't be so impressive if I weren't working in there daily, but I have been.  I have four pieces in the works--two are a pair and will be dressed in patriotic colors, one is for spring, and the last is for an "aquatic theme" challenge in a magazine.  I gotta say, it's nice to go in, sit down, and begin work right away, without having to scrape aside bottles of paint, root through piles of tools and brushes for "that one" and work on a tray on my lap because there is no room to work on the actual work surface!  Maybe it'll actually take this time.  Maybe, at the young age of 54, I will finally learn a lesson I should have learned in fourth grade.  Ha!

Hope everyone has a fun Halloween!

Oct 9, 2017

Back from the Doll Show, and a bit of silliness.

We had a lot of fun--or at least I did--dressing up.  The crowd was kind of sparser than we have been used to, but we did okay.  I got to visit with Connie Tognoli again this year, and buy one of her small pieces (a little bunny and an ornament). 

I think my shifting focus will see me aiming for folk art festivals in the future, rather than doll shows.  So it is with mixed feelings that I bid the doll shows Farewell, and the folk art fairs Hello. 

In the meantime, now that I'm back from the show, I have ornament commissions to finish for a lady in New York, a Zodiac Baby to work on, and an Izannah commission to start. I'm glad there is little work to be done in the garden at this time of year!

My VPH: very patient husband.