Mar 14, 2018

Wednesday Words

 Ever have one of those weeks when you know in your head you're getting things done, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence of it? 

That's this week.  I know I've accomplished plenty--took the dog to the vet Monday, got groceries and a small yard job yesterday, got dinners done both nights and cooked the week's bacon for the husband.  I put down eight bags of mulch yesterday on my poor naked flower beds and walked the dog three times! 

But this morning I feel like there's a to-do list a mile long ahead of me and I've not even scratched the surface of it.  I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but it sure is baffling.  This week is the Primitive Handmades Mercantile update, and I need to be getting mine together today.  I think I have a case of want-to-crawl-back-in-bed.  Doesn't happen often, and usually I'm pretty dang chipper.  Hmph. 

So in order to "blow the stink off" (one of my favorite lines from Hope Floats), I am going to post silly pictures.  Hope they make you smile. 

Mar 7, 2018

So many new things in the shop!

It's Wednesday.  Groceries, working in the yard, and Cheeseburger Pie for supper. 

But at least I don't have to mess with making listings today!  I don't know why that chore pokes at me so bad, but it does.  It's a helluva lot more fun to MAKE the art than it is to list it.  Some of the listings I made a while back, but never did anything else with them. These are in the store now. 

It's almost spring--even here in the desert--so the irises will be blooming in a month or so.  Time to feed them and feed and prune the roses.  This is the first year I've put a "Red, White, and Blue" bed out front along the street.  Interesting to see if enough are blooming at the same time to get the effect I'm after.  :~)  I try to live in the season I'm in, but dang, I am sooooo ready for Spring.  And we don't even have hard winters here!


I mentioned a post ago about a crazy quilting class I went to, the one where I was bitten by yet another art bug?  The block in the top photo  below is one I made before the class--my first block--so I'd know what questions to ask.  You know how you just never know what to ask if you've never tried to do something?  So I wanted to know where the hard parts were to ask about.  Well, the ladies there liked it so much they wanted me to post it on a Crazy Quilt site on Facebook.  I did so, and the editor of Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine asked if she could put it in the summer issue!  Cool beans!  So it'll be there, along with a couple of my folk art pieces. Baby steps, baby.

The bottom photo is of two blocks I made in the class itself, and I have patches for two more just like them, which will all go on a big black tote-bag to carry a cutting mat and supplies to classes & stitching meets. 

Now I'm designing small crazy quilt projects, along with getting more things listed on Ebay and Etsy.  If you know anyone who needs doll wigs or eyeballs, there are some big lots on Ebay right about now.  I have to make some room!  :~P

Hope your Hump Day is spectacular, and your weekend even more so. 