Dec 10, 2019

Winter in the High Desert

We did get a bit of snow.  Did I get a photo?  I did not.  But I will carry the memory of it forever, because it was Gypsy's first snow.  She's around four years old, but she grew up down in the frying pan of southern California, and spent another six months south of Phoenix, so--first snow!

She was astounded.  And delighted.  Couldn't explore it fast enough.  First, she ran around trying to figure out why the smells were so muted, and what IS this cold white stuff?  She poked at edging rocks around what had been flower beds--are those still rocks?  Yes.  She bounded THROUGH what had been flower beds, a thing she quit doing months ago because it made the humans yell.  Okay, they still yell when I run there. 

She tried to eat the snow, she pawed bare spots to check if the dirt was still under it, and it took FOREVER to get her to go pee so we could go back inside.  We walked in it, and she apparently has some sled dog in her, because our formerly well-mannered walker was suddenly pulling like a draft horse.  Finally I got her twenty foot lead and just flew her like a kite--she'd run wide arcs in front of us, back and forth. 

So our mountain snow dog got her first snow, and we know our move to the White Mountains this coming spring will make her verrrrry happy.  And since we'll have a good fenced yard there, we'll be happy too.  Ha!

Since the snow all melted (it doesn't last long at 5,000 ft elevation), we've had a mix of sun, rain, and--just recently--lovely fog.  We don't get fog up here often, so I enjoy it when I can. A view at 7:30 in the morning from our back porch--normally the sun's well up by this time, but we can't even see across the golf course!

In case I get my head stuck in the clouds or a project, I hope your holiday season--all of it, in all its aspects--is full of love, peace, and sparkle.