Jan 4, 2019

Clean Sheet Day

I won't bore anyone with long sad tales of medical mayhem at the Conwell's house (and the people said, "hurrah!") so suffice it to say; I am SO very glad it's January. 

All that medical mess started last summer, and finally finished up at the end of the year.  So this month we are moving slowly, deliberately, working and choring.  And healing.

That part takes a while, and sometimes the line of progress is not straight up in a tidy line.  When you're down, lots of what you used to think of as Must Dos suddenly become When I Get To Its.  But eventually you're up, and there's sweeping and laundry, and (yay!) Clean Sheet Day.  I love clean sheet day.

In other news, I have an order for a small Izannah (15") and I'm enjoying the challenge of smaller work.  I don't seem to be able to work on the Winter wall hanging--though I'm almost ready to bat & back it for quilting.  Just that close.  See, I somehow managed to curse myself with a ZILLION pine needles in this design.  And kinda no way out.  (There will be a recommendation in the published version to use pine-needle printed fabric.  You're welcome, or Don't Say I Didn't Warn You--whichever applies.) 

So I'm guiltily thrilled to make an Izzy instead of stitching pine needles. 

Stay warm, and have a grand 2019. 


  1. Glad you are doing good. I love clean sheets too. Wonderful you get to make a new Izzy doll. the smaller ones are harder for me, but I do like the smaller size too. It has been raining so much down here that progress is slow on most things. I don't like Winter, it hinders me in lots of ways. Arthritis acts up so much worse. Hope to see your new doll when you get it made. Making some dolls, but slow, trying to get better heads. Wishing you well so you can get on with your new house plans.

    1. Martha, I saw your newer dolls on FB today--they're both incredible, but the skin tone on the little black one is nothing short of amazing.

  2. "Clean sheet day" definitely sounds like things are looking up in your neck of the woods (well, maybe it's not woods yet, but hopefully just around the corner). A new Izzy is probably just what the doctor called for. How can you not enjoy doing something you are so good at.

    1. I won't be hand stitching the clothing on this one, but it is good to get sculpting again, isn't it?

  3. Glad your on the mend and making your Izzie dolls which is more fun than those chores.


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