Jan 7, 2016

Elspeth is dressed now.

She's a very patient girl...just hanging out in the giant purple recliner while I ignore her in favor of finishing other dolls.  Today she got the rest of her unders, and is ready to go.  Willie had to check to see if she approved of everything, of course. 


  1. very sweet doll. Her clothes are so pretty too. the bow is a nice touch to a little girls dress. the hand sewed button holes are also a nice touch.

  2. Who wouldn't love this sweet, sweet girl... She is beautiful in every way!

  3. Oh my, she takes my breath away. Love the view of the hair style at the back, you have done a wonderful job!

    1. Thank you, Lizzie. I love sculpting, and this girl was a fun, since she was sort of Izzanah-like, but with more freedom to play around.

  4. Adorable. She has soul.


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