Oct 31, 2022

We Did It!

We told Phil's folks our Full Time RV plans.  Maybe you won't get how scary that was.  Why?  Because we care what they think of us, and we're telling them about our "flaky, hair-brained, ridiculous" idea.  We don't think our idea is all those things, but I've heard it described that way by some.  And his parents have supported us through all the planning, designing, and building of the custom home we currently live in.  You know, the house we JUST built, and are now planning to sell.  Along with all those danged chickens I just thought I had to have. 

I have the best in-laws in the world.

But you know what's funny?  Mary Jo already suspected it, just a little.  Apparently I had said something a month or so ago about moving our mattress "to the new RV".  That's it.  Anybody less intuitive would have just assumed we'd buy a new mattress for the house, and then press on.  Not MJ.  No, she knows her son, and her daughter in law, and...well, we are NOT flaky, but we have moved.  A lot.  All over. 

So anyway, they don't think we're out of our minds.  Or if they do, they are generously not offering that opinion aloud.  And it felt good to clear it all up, describe our plans, and get their feedback.  First thing Gabe did was go dig up a booklet of parks and destinations!  Gabe doesn't say much, but his eyes were twinkling--he would make a great Camp Host, because he knows all things RV, has every tool under the sun, and has a heart as big as Dallas.

Maybe it weighed on us, what they would think, more than we knew.  Ever do something you've been working up to for a long time, and then after the doing of it, you relax so much you're useless for awhile?  Yeah, we were pretty useless when we got back up on the mountain.  But everybody knows our plans, at least the ones who care to hear it.  And the ones we care about telling.

Now if we can just get through one more winter up here, retire from the hubs' job, and hit the road.
  Cheers, y'all.  

Oct 27, 2022

In Defense of Blogger

After 12 years of using Blogger for my business web-hub, I thought I'd change it over to a Travel Log.  I wanted to document our efforts and processes to clear out, down-size, and--by next spring--sell our house.  All with the ultimate goal to live in our motor home full time. 

The Doll Shop has closed. 

I posted a link to the previous post on a Facebook group that I really like.  One gentleman asked me if I could tell him how to "subscribe" to the blog--yay!  Then I discovered that Google, in it's monetary driven wisdom, had deep-sixed the subscription tool, never to return it.  No more support.  I'm pretty sure nobody gets any SEO (search engine optimization) since Blogger is free.  I don't even know how much longer Blogger will last, if Google doesn't turn it into some kind of "website builder" machine, like Wix and Weebly, etc.  If that's the case, I'll deal with it when I get there.

There is no longer a need to have a "brand", get custom commission work, or have an online store. (Can we all say hallelujah?)  So I went on a search to find another way to blog--without having to pay for a domain name or hosting.  It's not that I'm cheap--I'll definitely pay for a good product when I need it.  I just don't need it anymore.

Well, no such luck.  There are very few places where you can get a "free" website.  Picture me yelling at my monitor during this search; "But I don't want one!  Just a blog!"  Even those few that are "free" will blast their own advertisements all over your site, and they're so limited in function as to be almost useless if you did want a website.  Then your introductory time is up, and it's not even free anymore.

Well, I found a reasonable thing on Wordpress.com (as opposed to Wordpress.org, which took a while to wade through) and decided, what the hell.  So I paid my subscription for a year of domain & hosting. And then...I started trying to put together a blog.  The minute I started trying to use templates and thing-a-ma-jigs to make it a little more serviceable, I bogged down. 

A friend suggested I do the You-Tube thing.  No thank you.  There are enough "stars" in the You-Tubiverse.  I don't want to be another one.  As annoying as Blogger is, with its ever-decreasing support and functionality, at least I know how to use it without a computer programming degree.  I'm not a stupid woman, (no matter what they say).  But this Wordpress thing was useless to me.  So I canceled my page, got my refund, and came back to blogger.  Just not worth it. 

So we're down to this.  If you want to subscribe (and after this cheerful little story, how could you not?), use the "subscribe here for updates" on the left sidebar.  It's really a contact form, but I'll use it as a mailing list to notify anybody who wants notifying of new posts.  If you have questions, it still works for that, too.  I'll put links to interesting RV-related persons, places, and things over there, too.  First I have to discover them.  See?  Isn't this fun?  Y'all get to be in on the ground floor of a new thing!  Bear in mind, the whole reason I want to blog is for family and friends, to keep them updated without ginormous Facebook posts. 

Someday, Google will deep-six Blogger entirely.  At that point, I may just blow up my Facebook page with the Hermitarium posts.  All Hermits, All The Time!  But until then, we'll see y'all here when there's something to say.

Oct 26, 2022

Time To Face The Change...

BIG changes coming up for us.  A whole new way of living. 

If you're new to this blog, let me introduce us.  We are Phil and Jan Conwell, currently living in the mountains of eastern Arizona, in a tiny town called Lakeside.  We've been together for (almost) thirty years, have four grown kids and nine grandkids scattered across the US.  Phil retired from the Air Force in 2007, then began a new career managing Air Force construction data.  I was a civilian Air Force instructor for ten years, then spent the last twelve on a folk art business, making art dolls and such.  We are getting ready to retire from all that. 

Now--you're mostly caught up.

I am really not sure if it's just Phil and I, or if many people really want a big change to shake them up in their lives.  He wanted to live in the White Mountains all his life, and had fond memories of boyhood summers spent running through pine forests.  Jan always wanted to live among trees and raise chickens.

When we got to the point where it was financially viable for us to do so, we moved here and built a house.  If you've read posts from 2018 to now, you know the story (aside from all the doll stuff).  The house has been finished for quite some time.  The chicken coop and run finished.  Got chicks in April, and they were laying by late September.  So Phil had his pine forest, and Jan had her chickens. 

  All was right with the world.  Wasn't it?

But here we were, in our happy place, discovering it was NOT all happy forest dwelling.  Why were we still antsy to DO something?  Go somewhere?  So we bought an RV (ahem, he corrects me: it's a Motor Home). It's huge--36 ft long.  It has a bath and a half!  Two slides to make for more room. Why not just get a camper?  You'll see in a minute.

Riggs is a 2016 Fleetwood Bounder 35K

Right after Phil retired from the Air Force, we lived at an RV park in White Sands, New Mexico, while we put together a small homestead at the foot of the Organ Mountains.  Three months in a 19 foot camper with no slides.  And we enjoyed it!  The only hardship I remember was RV Toilet Paper.  Ugh.  I'm grateful to learn as long as we use "septic safe" and plenty of water, our black tank will be fine.

Life in a camper was fun, but we missed having a couch or recliner.
I don't remember what our 2007 camper was.  Why is that?  Why don't I have pictures of it?

Some other catching up on us: we have moved 18 times in our (almost) 30 years together.  I have the list of addresses.  Each time we moved, we enjoyed learning a new place.  In some cases, we were in one spot six months.  Our record so far is five years.  Five years!  Seemed like forever.  We need travel!

We've been here in our newly built, custom-designed home for...well, it'll be two years this Christmas.  And we're antsy again.  Great little town, but this will be our third winter here and--guess what?  We're not truly "mountain".  That's a derogatory thing to say to someone up here, but we'll admit it right out loud.  The whole John Denver-Rocky Mountain High thing?  Over rated.  We officially hate winter.

However, it's more than just a need to travel and escape the cold.  We don't want to be "vacationing" all the time, coming back to a town we know.  A town we're already bored with.  But we're too old to keep moving!  I have had my fill of packing and loading a U-haul.  I've had my fill of all this STUFF.

The solution?  Riggs.  I realize this is not the solution for everyone, but it is for us.  This spring...we're going to have an estate sale, clear this house, and sell it.  Then we're going to hit the road for real.  I haven't told his Mom and Dad yet but I expect they already sensed it.  Their son and his wife are true nomads.  (And apparently have the attention spans of goldfish). 

But with Riggs as our home, and nothing to tie us down, we'll go see ALL the towns.  And state parks, beaches, national monuments, and Vermont when the leaves change.  We'll be full timers on the road, and snow birds in the winter. 

Did I mention I'm through with winters here?

I'll keep a couple bins of creative supplies--that will never change.  But I'm over worrying about selling stuff.  I'll be happy the day I can tell Etsy to get lost. My creative nature will thrive as it should.   

From this point forward, this blog is about life on the road.  I will post about our upcoming endeavor, the changes it will bring.  Later, once we're on the road full time, I'll post things of interest to other Full Timers (there are more of us than you'd think!).  So...big changes coming.  Between now and late spring of '23, we will divest ourselves of everything.  Except a new Jeep to tow behind Riggs.  I will name our Jeep "Toad".  It's not original, but it will make Phil twitchy, which is always fun.

  One more winter here.  We can do that. 

Then maybe we'll see y'all on the road!