Aug 24, 2012

Gearing up again!

I've promised to get pictures of the Izzies now that they're dressed, but it will have to wait til they're set up at the doll show tonight.  Packing all those dolls, their chairs, all the crates and stands and tablecloths (I tend to get a little crazy w/ presentation) takes it out of me, so I figured I'd rest a minute.  Next step, loading the truck.  Then unloading it, setting up, and THEN...taking a stroll around the show for a sneak peak at what other doll collectors/sellers will have.

Then after a day of talking to doll collectors and enjoying the People Factor all day, I do the whole thing again, only in reverse.  I tend to lose five lbs every time I do a show, from the dehydration, the holy-cow-hard work, and not remembering to eat.  But it's worth it!

Things to remember:
The Etsy shop has to go offline for the weekend, pack a camera, pack extra water (talking to people all day makes you thirsty!), remember the cashbox, and wear comfortable shoes.  :~)

Hope you guys have a Fabulous Weekend!


  1. Best wishes for a great show -- and take time to enjoy yourself!

  2. Sounds like fun, in a crazy kind of way. Best wishes!

    1. It IS fun! I get a monstrous adrenaline rush getting all set up. Maybe I was an event planner in another life. ;~)

  3. Have fun Jan, I bet there is a special little doll there just waiting for you to take her home perhaps, :~)

    1. There WAS a special doll waiting for me...I'll post about her soon!

  4. I know you will do well. So many great dolls you have made. I enjoyed the one show I went to, and I'd love to again. It was great fun. Can't wait to see your pictures.

  5. Have a great time! Take lots of pictures to share.

  6. Break a leg (not really, just good luck)!


Thank you very much for stopping by.