Jul 18, 2011

Second Izzy Doll Finished

I still need to sew the last two snaps on his blouse, but Vernon is otherwise finished as well.

The husband, when I first made this one, said "Why are you making one of them a dude?"  He really objected to a boy doll having the hour-glass shape of the Izannah Walker doll body.  But once I finished his blouse and knickers, Phil relented.  "Okay.  You did manage to make him a dude."

1 comment:

  1. Vernon is adorable! I saw a boy doll created by Martha Chase for sale in an Orange County, city of Orange, CA about a month ago. The construction of the doll was very similar to the I.Z. dolls with the sculptured face and stocking net overlay, and the painted hands and feet. The price was expensive...$350.00, but was from a ladies own private collection. It was at Downhome Antiques. It was my first experience to see an original doll 'up close'.
    Teresa Swanson


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