Feb 24, 2017

Navy is good on her, I think.

This most recent commissioned Izannah doll is the second for this collector.  The last was the little red-head in green, but this time she wanted brown hair, brown eyes, and a blue dress.  (On my Etsy listing, I have a menu of choices.)  I debated on what color blue--I have an insane amount of fabric to choose from, having collected it for years.  But this deep blue seemed to match her pensive expression.  I try not to make my Izannahs look sad, but it happens sometimes, given a head start with that downcast gaze.  This one, I can't tell if she's sad or just really thoughtful.  Eye of the beholder, I guess.  Anyway, I liked the deep blue, and it was fun dressing her.  Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend.


  1. No, she's not sad...just deep in thought! I love her brown eyes; all of my dolls have them. She is just lovely in her beautiful new dress.

  2. Oh Jan she is just gorgeous! I agree with Chip I don't think she is sad at all, To me she looks like she is in deep thought.her blue dress is perfect! Well you always really do make your dolls just perfect!

  3. She is a fine doll, sweet and peaceful. I don't see sadness either, but most of Izannah's dolls do look a tad on the sad side. I think it's the downcast eyes, and the nature of the painting. Most have dark eyes that have a luster to them. and also the small smile. You chose a beautiful color dress and style for her. Of course, you know I think you make the most beautiful hands too.

  4. She's a lovely dolly and the blue suits her.


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