Feb 5, 2017

February, already?

I can't believe I haven't posted since the end of December.  Never mind.  Of course I can believe it.

Since then, I have put away all the Christmas stuff, cleaned the house a few times, and had another lasik treatment on my right eye.  Went to a couple of dog shows with my hubby and in-laws (we love dog shows, even if we don't show dogs).  I've made decorations for the little trees I am now keeping year 'round (a 3' on the porch and an 18" in the house)--little paper clay hearts for them for now, after taking down the wooden snowflakes.  I guess eggs, bunnies and spring flowers will be next.  This penchant for decorating seasonally might last, and it might not...guess time will tell.

I also went to my hometown in TX for a few days, to hang out with a good buddy I've known since we were 15.  I enjoyed running around my hometown, but she and I aren't anywhere near the party peeps we used to be.  One night we stayed up 'til 11pm and the next day found us dragging.  We are telling ourselves it's because we get up so early now, and we're wiser.  Uh-huh.

Recently I've studied wool applique, and decided to work on something other than dolls for a little while.  I love the dolls, but it was time to just "play" with needle & thread instead of working.  I made a little piece from a pattern which was supposed to be a pin cushion, but I think I'll make it into a sewing kit cover to take on trips.  I've also got a million wool pennies cut out for a coffee-table size penny rug.  I'm not sure why, but working with wool is viscerally satisfying in a way I didn't expect. 

Hope all are well and happy and that Spring is not teasing you too badly.
(I can't wait for my iris to start blooming!)


  1. the wool picture you made is really pretty. Long years ago I did a few crewl embroideries. Don't know where they are now, but I did enjoy doing them. I have also thought about decorating for the different holidays, but haven't done it. I do have some bought rabbits made of some kind of straw I bought, and my rabbit I got from Sherrie Farley, which I love. I keep them sitting out all year. After cleaning our work place, it unclutters the mind, and you can focus on the next most important things you want to do. Our interest change as we age, so we should do what we want to do. Love all that you do and hope to see more creations and hear all about your adventures.

  2. I also love working with wool, and have even given some thought to making a folk art quilt in the style of Linda Brannock. Nice job on your appliqued piece; could well be the first block in a quilt.

  3. You've been a busy girl. It's nice to take breaks from every now and then and do someone different. The wool applique you made would make a nice sewing kit cover. I love wool and it's my favorite fabric.

    It won't be long now and spring will be here!

  4. Sounds like you've been busy. When we have our girlfriends weekends, we usually poop out by 10 or 11! I love the folk art wool applique too. It was a good way for me to start sewing after the finger surgery. I've purchased a couple patterns and have been gathering wool and have added the projects to my to do list. My list is getting longer and longer!


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