Nov 16, 2015


We futzed around this morning, (okay, I futzed, he worked) and since AZ doesn't do the daylight savings time, we don't open the blinds to sunlight until almost 7 these days.  And look what I found when I did open them! 

It must have happened really fast, because we got up at 5:30 and let the dog out, no snow then.  I know it's not exactly a call for the snow plows, but I haven't seen snow in years!  At least not since we lived in New Mexico.  I'll have to go out and play in it a little...or take the dog out and pretend it's for him.  :~)

Hope your week is fabulous, my friends. 

(P.S. We live with our back to the golf course, and these were taken off the back deck.)


  1. When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I'll know I'm growing old.-Lady Bird Johnson

    1. What a lovely quote. And I happen to agree. :~)

    2. I'll have to ditto Sherri and Lady Bird on this one! Enjoy!

  2. neat. We don't get much snow down here in Mississippi, but when we do everyone runs out to see it.Snow is so pretty. I remember the great snow of 1960 here. I was little, but we have pictures of me, my sister and brother out building a snowman, I don't think we have had a snow like that but one or two times. I know you and doggie enjoyed it.

  3. It looks so pretty. I'm sure your dog enjoyed playing in the snow. No snow settling here in Ohio yet and we've had a string of good weather but I'm looking forward to the snow days.

  4. just now found you here, love this. Miss you, warmly, edyth


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