Feb 7, 2012

Have you seen this blog?

If you are looking for patterns for wonderful primitive art, lovely vintage graphics, or tutorials that make you go "Oh!", then go visit Our Pioneer Homestead.  Pamela has a tutorial on how to use Walnut Ink Crystals, having aged some blue fabric to a wonderful time-worn hue.  I'm eager to see what she does with this fabric.

I highly recommend this artist's blog--for all the reasons listed above, and because she has great decorating taste.  :~)  You'll be glad you went. 


  1. I just started following this blog a few days ago and already I love it and the blue fabric. :^)

  2. Ooo! That's a pretty blog. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Thanks Jan,
    going to go check out her blog now!!
    Warm Wishes,

  4. Looks fab! Will defo check it out.


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