Feb 12, 2012

The Doll Show and New Friends

Had a blast at the doll show yesterday.

Completely worn out, dehydrated, and almost voiceless.  Funny how a fourteen hour day of too little food & water and too much talking will do that to a body, eh?  But sales were good, I met so many new friends--and got to actually visit rather than just cruise through their booths nodding hello.  Repeat shoppers from the two previous shows have come to look for me, and several have requests for upcoming shows.  Not planning to do custom work, but my little "Smoker" doll sold the night before the show even opened, and one customer said "You must make another one for August."  Cool.

One of the highlights was that I brought home a new friend.  I call her Miss Merriweather, because so far that's all the name I can sense from her.  She'll tell me her first name when we're better acquainted, I guess.  Anyway, she's 25" tall, her wig is badly made of human hair, she's been "helped" all over her neck, back of her head, and the shoulder plate in a couple of places.  The legs, while not new, are a later edition.  Her hands and arms are white kid, in pretty good shape.  Her face still has the original paint, but with a little cracking, scratches and a bit rubbed off her nose.  Her body is very heavy--I have no idea what she's stuffed with, but she's heavier than my Big Girls who have BB's in their butts.

I can't wait to sew for this doll.  She needs a bonnet or hat because while her hair is a lovely red-brown, it's a bit of a mess.  I'm sure there are so many things I could do to restore this doll, but I never owned an antique doll before, let alone restored one.  So for now, she will reside in the carved chair in our living room, with her quite expression and fancy red shoes.

Oh, and one more friend I brought home...he joins the ranks of my Doll Show Rescue Babies.  At least this one doesn't leak sawdust like the last.  Doesn't he look like Radar O'Riley's bear on M*A*S*H?  He smells a little like an attic trunk, and the ghost remains of some lady's perfume.

I feel as if this doll business has been waiting for me to grow up and figure out what I was supposed to do.  So I may as well get to doing it, eh?  :~)

P.S. Mary Jo: one of the dealers tried to buy that bench I bought from your thrift shop.  I didn't sell it.  ;~)


  1. Very pretty doll, I love the red shoes.

  2. Wow, I'll bet your booth made great waves at the show. Your dolls look so beautiful.

  3. Your booth looks great. That doll has such a pretty face and a very skinny waist. I love the shoes too.....She needs a nice hat and a dress and undies and a drawstring purse:)

  4. I like Miss Merriweather! Hair like that is why I always do painted hair. I figure it won't go wild over the decades.

    And good for you for doing a show. I've never done that.

  5. oh - it's fun to see a variety of your work all together on one table. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you Dixie. That's one thing I hear at the shows..."Wow, the style of your stuff is all over the place!" :~)

  6. Lovely doll! Her little red boots are devine

  7. Yay for a great show, making friends, finding two new friends to bring home and love.

    You're a great doll maker and I think you've found your niche. Rock it, well, dear friend. I know you will. :D

  8. Sounds like a fabulous time! I'm glad it was a successful show.

    I love the teddy and yes, it totally reminds me of Radar's.

  9. It's great you had such a fab time at the show. Love little Miss Merriweather, she's really quite pretty. I know that you'll make her a beautiful new outfit and she'll look as lovely as she did in her glory days. Those red shoes are great, aren't they? The little bear is a sweetie and you're right about him and Radar's bear. Enjoy your day.

  10. I'm so happy you had a good time at this show. I kind'a like the old dolls in this state. And the kid skin, does look in good shape. I think when she's ready she'll let you know. Don't you think she'll need a couple of dresses? Wish I still had my old teddy!


  11. Jan, Congrats on a successful show! My dad has a teddy bear from his childhood very similar to yours. He is adorable.

    I hope you enjoy the crochet tablecloth you purchased from my Etsy shop. Thank you! Hugs, Sherry

  12. Congratulations on a successful show! You are certainly making a name for yourself. I think you have a great career ahead of you.
    P.S. Could you have made a good profit on the thrift store bench?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Edited to say:

      Mary Jo, I didn't go into price with her. I bought it for $12, and doubt I could replace for even double that. Besides...it marks a wonderful day of thrift shopping with one of my favorite people. :~)

  13. I'm glad the show went well. Next time, bring some H20! haha. Love your new doll, and that teddy looks exactly like Radar's. Maybe you should name him that. xox


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