Nov 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

I am grateful, all the way to my bones, for my life.  Health, strength, a good mind, busy hands.  I have a beautiful loving husband who is my best friend and we have this dog who makes us laugh every single day (and the dog's foster-cat who insists he is NOT domesticated, but purrs at our feet when we sit out in the evenings.)

My husband has a good job that allows us to build the business we plan to retire on...and while he might not enjoy the job as much as he does the business, he does appreciate it for the steady platform it creates.  And while he might not admit it, he enjoys some of the friends and coworkers he sees every day.

We live in a warm climate.  No snowy Currier and Ives holiday scenes for me, but I can revel in a day of garden work in January, wearing no more than a flannel shirt for warmth.  Tomorrow we'll go hiking through some local nature trails, which is a tradition we started once the last kid moved out. 

My children and grandchildren are everywhere--Oklahoma, Oregon, Louisiana, England and Japan--too far and too many for me to visit.  But they are there, they are healthy, and they know I love them.  We had a new little grandson join the family just last night, in fact, and I look forward to the trip next spring to meet him!  Someday, I'd love to preside over a noisy, rambunctious, family-filled traditional Thanksgiving, the kind I grew up with when all our family lived close.  Since I plan to live til at least ninety, I have time.  But even if they're scattered all over, I know they're there, and as long as they're happy, I'm good with that.

I have a blessed life.  A quiet day of thanks is a pretty good tradition...
Whatever kind of day you have tomorrow,
I hope you have much to be thankful for.

My silly boys.


  1. I'd like to wish you and your family all the best on your Thankgiving Day:)

  2. I think we're having perfect Texas Thanksgiving weather today! Enjoy that nature walk!


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