Aug 16, 2011

Tuesday's Treasury

In the nine months or so I've had an Etsy shop, I've only made one other treasury.  But I was really new then, and they didn't have the cool feature that told all those people who'd been included THAT they'd been included.  So you had a lot of extra work to do, letting everyone in on the secret.  Not so these days.  SOOO to that end, I made another one.  Partly because I have been enjoying the recent introduction to a lot of primitive folk artists, and partly because I'm fed up with summer and jonesing for Fall, big time.

The other day, I noticed the tiniest bit of autumn scenting the early morning air, and told the hubs "Fall is on its way!"  He looked at me with that way he has; "Um, dear, the thermostat says it's 80 degrees out at 5:30 in the morning.  What makes you think Fall is going to arrive soon?" 

And I could only fall back on the reply I used to give my kids when I could think of nothing better: "Because I said so!"  Enjoy the folkart, and if you find something you really like, share the love!  (I personally plan to buy some candles...soon.)

Because I said so!


  1. Love the treasury AND the title Jannett! Deb

  2. I love this treasury and folk art, too! :) xo Pam


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