Mar 11, 2011

What is my name? Where is my car?

Spinning around a little lost lately. We got the rent house rented (a cute couple who asked if they could have chickens in the back yard!) and are now in contract for another one. All that is well and good, but it sure puts a giant dent in the doll making.

The peach trees are blooming!
On the positive side--spring is HERE and I have gotten LOTS of landscaping done!  Finally cleared away the white rock and @*#$^* landscape fabric the previous owners were so enraptured with. Perennials all around, but small with room to grow. Veggie garden is doing well, except the broccoli. I think the 40 degree mornings and 80 degree afternoons have confused it, because it's growing tiny little heads and then flowering straight away. Oh well. We'll have sugar snap peas soon.

I have desperately missed the daily blog read, and made time to sit and read this morning. Posted a Tips and Tricks over at ADO, (on photography) and have been working on

Tshilaba, as she was when she arrived here in San Antonio...
my visiting Traveling Doll Project friend, Tshilaba. Pictures of the rent house re-do, the garden, and Tshilaba coming up this next week. (And maybe one of the dog with a new haircut--he is sooooo shaggy!)

Be well y'all. I miss you.


  1. OK … I was so smiten by the peach blossoms, I couldn't really focus at all on the doll … I'm sure she's beautiful!


  2. Both are fun spring is on its way!

  3. Have you ever heard a song when tehy talk about moving to the coutry to eat lots of peaches? he!he! If not, remind me to send you a link if I can find one.


Thank you very much for stopping by.