Mar 18, 2011

I'm the Featured Artist!

A short interview with Art Dolls Only...and pictures.  It was fun, and I hadn't really thought about my doll Beth in a long time...

Also, a picture of the most recent doll: a southern belle.  I should say bell, because she and her two sisters (which I will post later when I get more pictures) are made from giant papermache bells I found at a thrift shop!

I was aiming for a sort of folk-art version of shabby cottage...not sure if it worked.


  1. It completely worked. :) And she does look so very hopeful. Which I think was all need to feel right now! Off to go see your interview! Happy weekend to you - xox Pam

  2. Great interview, Jan! So good to get to know you a little better. We like the same authors. :))

  3. She's so graceful and welcoming!


Thank you very much for stopping by.