Mar 3, 2011

A Challenge!

Art Doll Quarterly magazine issued a gourd art doll challenge.  Uh, hello?  How can I refuse?  I've made several lately, but I think this guy's the one that would fit the timing (Autumn) best, so off he goes. 


  1. In French une gourde is either a round bottle in which you can put water or alcohol, but it can also mean a very silly lady. Giggles.
    I don't know what a gourd doll is but I think yours are cute.

    I absolutely love your birds on the cubes. Absolutely gorgeous! I think they are in my favs on Etsy.

    Hope you are having a lovely day and that you are not too worried about your travelling dolly!

  2. Patricia, a gourd doll is a doll made out of a gourd (not une gourde). See the gourds behind him? That's what he's made of (only upside down). In English, gourds are inedible squashes, used in early cultures for baskets, bowls, dippers, etc. That's likely where the bottle reference came from in French.

    (I have, however, been silly. Giggles again.)

    Glad you like the little birds.

  3. I love him! Can't wait to see him in the pages of ADQ. It would be fun to make une gourde doll (silly lady) from a gourd.

  4. I thought of you when I saw this challenge! I'm glad you're sending him. :) Now, if I could only find a gourd...:))) Happy weekend - xox Pam

  5. So quirky … so cool … so beautifully done!

  6. I think this piece is fitting! He has great color! I love him and I know ADQ will too!

    Be Well

  7. He is way awesome!!!! I love him!! He fits the challange perfectly!

  8. he's wonderful! can't wait to see him in print!


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