Jun 8, 2023

So close!

Fast forward from last November where I was proud of going through photos. 

We've accomplished a bit more than that now.  We've cleared the entire house.  Of every. thing. 

Okay, not everything, but all that is left is some furniture to sit on (which I'll be selling soon) and the things we'll move into Riggs.  Holy cow it was a lot of work.

Huge garage sale in late May, and cleared enough money-wise to have made it worth the work.  And a lot of people up here on the mountain happy with their bargains.  I guess we kinda left our mark that way--quite a few people up here have some of our art, our tools, collections, things we've gathered over our travels. 

So the realtor listed the house (photos just so I can have a record of them here) and it sold in less than a week--with two offers.  Now we're down to the waiting part--for the buyer's contingency to work out--and then closing in late July.  The photos loaded in reverse order to what I selected, but that's fine.  Here in this first one, you can see the whole 1.18 acres, as well as Riggs there on the left/south end.  The gravel behind him is the driveway to the soon-to-be neighbor's house.  Totally dodged a bullet there.  The other two houses going up have been noisy and messy enough!  But it's no longer our circus.  Ha!

I've been painting Riggs (photos later when he's presentable) and getting situated for a life on the road. 

Left to do: sell the furniture, finish stuff in Riggs, and...water the flowers?  We'll boondock up here in the mountains after close of escrow on the house.  There's a reason all those summer people fill up this town during the summers--it's beautiful here in the summer!  Then a month in Texas to establish our Domicile records, etc.  Then back to Arizona, where my lovely husband has already secured us reservations down around Phoenix and the closer to Payson through May of 2024!  He takes good care of us, he does.

It'll be time, soon.  We will pull away, wave goodbye, and begin a new adventure...owning no more than what we can carry with us. 

How liberating will that be?

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