Jun 13, 2019

De-Cluttering Fever Strikes!

This usually happens to me in the autumn...so I'm not sure what is up.  I have this overwhelming urge to clear out, overhaul, cull collections, sell things to get rid of them.  It seems to get worse the older I get.  Don't get the idea that my house is anywhere near a Minimalist Retreat!  But it's a lot less cluttered than it was say, ten years ago.  Which means I had a lot of c-r-a-p back then. 

Our book shelves are lighter today by a small box of books--and we only keep reference, not fiction.  My closet is lighter by two large trash bags of clothes.  The studio is lighter by a very large box of...stuff I was going to make into other stuff. 

I have to be careful when this mood hits.  So far (knock wood) I haven't regretted any purging I've done in the past.  Okay, maybe a time or two I went looking for something and then remembered I'd given it to charity...but no bad regrets and never a need to replace anything. 

As the years go by, and this de-cluttering hits more often, and with a stronger intensity, I have discovered a corresponding restraint when shopping.  Will I really wear this?  Will I really make xyz out of it?  Will I get aggravated at having to pick this up to vacuum or dust around it?  Nowadays when thrifting, I'll put something in my cart and keep looking, but before I go to the register, I reassess what's in the cart, and usually put half of it back.  Sometimes most of it! 

I just checked out a bunch of library books on Minimalism.  I'll never be a minimalist.  I like my house cozy, and it will always be full of books, textiles, interesting boxes, and crafty stuff.  There will always be funny things on tables and window sills, and always house plants galore.  But every year I "need" less stuff sitting around, and find experiences more interesting than things. 

Lest anyone think I'm finally growing up--we'll just chalk it up to getting lazier about cleaning.  :~)  Are you a collector?  Do you go through your collections and change things out?  Do you hang on to things because they "might" someday be useful?  What about sentimental things?

I'd love to hear about it. 


  1. Hi Jan. I do the same thing you are doing, which is to want to clear out unwanted things, or things that I cannot work on. Cleaning out is hard sometimes, because you don't want things wasted, but they no longer interest you, or you paid alot for them and you cannot recover your money, or its hard to just throw things away, or even get the thrift stores to take stuff sometimes. I have given the salvation army tons of stuff in the past. Even your relatives don't want your prize things I have found out. We have tried to give furniture to relatives from mama's house and you can't even get them to come pick them up. As we get older, we change and really start focusing on things we really want to do or enjoy. Mamas house is sitting empty while we clean it and get it ready for sale. As I walk through it I found how peaceful it is, empty and clean. I can see how a minimalist would feel. No clutter, just necessities and the most cherished of possessions and comfort. Easy cleaning and quiet walls and floors. I don't have that either, but I see the appeal, I need work space and I need to try to use up doll making things and not get more, but the temptation to get something else raises its head to often.Just don't let go anything you are not really sure about and you will have accomplished your goal to downsize. this is Martha

    1. What a fine exercise of comparison you have, Martha! As we've moved sooooo many times over the last couple decades, I know exactly that cleared out house feeling--getting one ready to list, we always box up all the "extra" and store it. So the house feels airy, lighter, cleaner. I might have to reconsider on this coming move--how much of this stuff really has to go to the next house? :~)

  2. Jan, you sound just like me. I do a purge at least once or twice a year. Sometimes I will buy things for no good reason, other than liking it or being a great price. That's what gets me the most! Buying just because the price is so good. I LOVE a bargain! :o) But I have curbed that to a great degree after having to purge because I'm out of room. Even when it comes to dolls, if I truly want a new one or a vintage/antique doll, I will get it and then sell one to make room. And as far as the rest of the house, that's stuff is a lot easier to get rid of than my dolls and teddy bears. LOL!

    1. Dolls and Teddy bears are HARD to get rid of! :~P I do this sometimes when I realize things are getting out of control: I gather a lot of them up (there are favorites I know I'll never sell or donate) and put them in a bin and store them away. After six months, I open the bin. The ones that make me say, "Oh, there you are. I missed you." I keep. The ones that bring a smile but no pang, those find new homes. :~)


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