Oct 2, 2018

August? Really?

So either I have had nothing to blog about, or too much.  To be honest, I'm not sure.

All that stuff about surgeries was up in the air for a while--Tricare (military health insurance) denied my surgeries, there was an appeal, and now both surgeries are back on.  Along with the hubby's shoulder replacement. 

But in addition to all that, we've decided on another move--not til mid or late 2019, but there ya go.  Because apparently we've been here too long.  So far, four years in one place is our record.  This time, we'll stay in Arizona, and only move three hours away.  Yes, we are nomads.  Either that, or this is the only way we know how to clean house.  Move, get it ready for a listing/showings, and then you know it's clean, right? 

We're looking at the Heber-Overgaard area--pine mountains with snow!  Yeah baby!  We want to buy land and build, and I get chickens!  He gets his big dog, finally, and we'll need a little tougher vehicle than my sedate sedan, because we'll likely live on a dirt road.  It's a tiny town--maybe three thousand total--in the winter.  In the summer, it quadruples with people coming up from Phoenix (and who could blame them?) so that should be interesting. 

The "Summer People" thing is prevalent where we are now, in Prescott, but here the folks seem to be more about antique shopping and festivals in downtown Prescott, so the traffic is horrible in the summer.  In Heber, the summer people are coming up because they want quiet, nature, pines and elk sightings.  An altogether different kind of traffic. 

This photo is a listing for a one bedroom cabin--and definitely not ours--but the pine forest is what we are looking for in our piece of land.  I might have to scale down the iris garden considerably, but a little cabin in the woods?  Snow at Christmas?  I think it'll be a good trade. 

We're headed that way this weekend, to scout things out, talk to a realtor, see what we see.  Maybe we'll see some elk?  It could happen.  See y'all on the flip side. 


  1. I'm glad your surgeries are back on...well not happy glad....but that you will get some relief for your hips. We are moving too to be closer to our family. I dread the whole packing bit and moving. I like your idea of a small town but not the snow. You can keep the snow.

    1. Thank you for the good wishes--I do look forward to being able to hike and take long walks again! Good luck with your move and just take it a little at a time. We've moved so much we have it down to a science! :~P

      The good thing about the snow in Heber is that is melts fast. So you don't get big accumulations of it.

  2. I am glad you got your surgeries. It will help you later to do the things you really want to do. I am excited for you in your move too. The place you are going sounds great. a small town is nice. We live where there isn't much. We have to go about 18 miles to town to get anything. It is still to crowded for me, but we have room to move around and it is pretty quiet. We went up to the mountains a little while ago, and it was nice, except because it is a tourist place the traffic was way to bad. I hope all goes well for you and Phil and you get better real quick so you can start your planning to move.

    1. Thank you, Martha. That's funny--"18 miles to town and still too crowded for me..." Haha! I'll need a few people, but there's a local quilt guild, and we'll go see the local high school sports and stuff. There's a square dance thing an hour away, so we'll (maybe) go to dances on Saturday nights. Once we're all healed up, though, it'll be all about the hiking. :~)

  3. The pine forest, the elk sightings and the snow at Christmas sound like good reasons to take on another move. Having the land, the chickens and the dog sounds like you have exciting things planned for the future after those surgeries. Thank goodness you appealed and are back on track. Wishing you and your hubby well.

    1. It does make for a good move, doesn't it? Still not sure on the chickens--probably a bunch of regs prevent it, but if people can raise them in Phoenix, surely I can out in the boonies on an acre, right? :~P


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