Jul 15, 2017

New on Early Work Mercantile

What's primitive, creative, and covered in burlap?  You guessed it...Early Work Mercantile!  I love the format there, and the selection of gorgeous primitive folk art.  And I confess to a little envy of the cross-stitchers' talents, because I just don't have the patience for that art.  (I've tried!)

Nevertheless, I have dolls there now!  The mercantile updates the offerings on the 1st and 15th of the month.  Here are the dolls I'm offering there this month on my Early Works page:

I know it seems early to list a Santa, but we'll call it Christmas in July and let him on in. 
Hope your weekend is fabulous!


  1. Oh Whoa Jan every One of your dolls are just beautiful! I Love them, It is never to early for Santa ! I love looking at Fall, Christmas all through the hot hot Summer months,Makes me feel good and cooler :)

  2. Wonderful. I like early work mercantile alot. I go there and look at everything. It is a good selling site and I think you will do well there. Love your dolls. I wanted lots of things on there, but not enough money to get lots of the great things. I will look for your dolls there.

  3. Great place to sell your work. Nice site with quality items in a beautiful format. I used to sell here back when I was making dolls.


Thank you very much for stopping by.