Feb 14, 2016

Lucinda and Boo, and other news.

I finally put some dolls in my ebay shop.  Lucinda found a home, so she and Boo will be heading to the east coast this Tuesday.  I enjoyed making her, as she was a little bit of "coloring outside the lines" for me.  Many people at the last doll show said they thought she was creepy, but I liked her a lot.  :~)  Y'all have seen her before--but here she is again, for the last time.

In other news: I got a new sewing machine!!!  My old one died, and rather than take it to the repair shop (the parts are no longer made) we decided to make an investment in the doll business and get a new one.  I love it!  It has such cool features--all the bells and whistles, enough that I feel a little duncy trying to use to use it.  So I've enrolled in a couple of "new owner" classes, to make better use of the investment.  More on that progress later.

Also: we're learning to square dance.  Well, I am.  The hubs had square dancing in school every year as he was growing up, so he's familiar already.  (They do that here in AZ, or they did.)  We love it!  A really warm reception from generous folks willing to teach and share their knowledge (and patience with newbies like me) and just an all around good time.  We will try to make regular lessons every week, as no one is allowed to participate in the actual Saturday Night dance until they have "graduated".  The full series of classes takes almost a year!

I know my kids will laugh at me, and I must be on the business side of growing older, because I just can't bring myself to care.  Ha! 

Y'all have a wonderful Valentine's Day (or as we celebrate: Arizona's Birthday).


  1. Lucinda is just a tad spooky with those big black eyes. It would be interesting to see where the new owner will display the doll.
    Isn't it great to have a new sewing machine! I'd love to see a photo.
    Happy Valentines Day to you and Happy square dancing too.

    1. She is spooky, but soooo sad. I think that's what makes me love her...I keep wanting to say, "It'll be okay!" :~D But I confess that it would be hard to find a place to display her in my house w/out raising eyebrows.

  2. Lucinda's a sweet goth doll & she has her own little ghostly Boo dollie. I'm sure they'll be loved to death in their new home. Tee Hee! I think it's exciting that you have a new machine, and lessons are probably a very smart move. I'd be very intimidated by all those bells and whistles and frustrate myself to tears. So cool you're square dancing. My parents were square dancers when we were young and I loved it. So they still wear matching outfits?

    1. I haven't seen anything of their Saturday Night dances except a few old videos, but I don't thing they match. They do often wear those big boofy dance dresses, and I may have issues getting myself to wear that. So far, it's only practice, so jeans and tennies are the norm. (Whew!)

  3. A new home for your sweet little Lucinda...so proud for her! And, a new sewing machine! Yes, please post pictures and tell us more about her. I love square dancing...watching, not doing!

    1. I did a "sampler" of stitches to take down to show my mother in law. I'll get a shot of it for a start. Cheers!

  4. Good that you got a new sewing machine. The new ones make things easier for people. I don't sew much on them yet, except some strait stitches. I have to get help for other things on the machine. I don't seem to have time to do it all, but I am still learning. You will really enjoy your machine and lessons will be a super great help. Lucinda and Boo are very sweet. She has a little bit of a ghostly touch and her doll is really cute. Her dress all the way to the floor also makes a difference. Her new owner will love her. If you love something, it is no hardship to find a good place for it. If she were mine I would surely put her somewhere I could see and give her lots of coos and rubs and pats.

  5. I forgot to tell you that I hope you will love the square dancing. My Aunt and Uncle square danced. Their outfits didn't exactly match, but I think if she wore a red dress he wore a red scarf. After they stopped dancing and he died, we got the dresses. Very elaborate with great big skirts and frills. It is good exercise too, plus it's something a husband and wife can do together. that is always good.

    1. It IS good exercise, but fun enough that you know notice you're getting a workout. Good social interaction for Phil and I, too, because we're such hermits, we never get out of the house!


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