Dec 9, 2015

Here I go again...

I haven't put up a single Christmas decoration yet.  The floors need attention, as do several other aspects of the house cleaning detail.  Forgot to water the flower beds today, (should never have found out it's "supposed" to rain this weekend).

I did manage to walk the dog and go get meat for the freezer.  But the rest of the time?  Working on dolls.  Some that I had already sculpted and MUST finish, and others...well I can't seem to control myself and I keep starting new ones.  Right now I have over ten dolls in various stages of progress.  Hmph.

Here is one I finished painting today...she'll get her arms and legs sewn on tonight and some clothes in the next day or two.  Her name is Elspeth.  She's not quite an Izannah doll, but has some of the face, I think. 

As for Christmas decorating?  I might get it done this weekend.  Maybe.


  1. this doll has a lot of feeling to her. She could have been a Izannah easily. Great painting and hair sculpting. Doll making is hard to put down, even to put up Christmas decorations. You got food for the freezer and took care of the dog, so not doing to bad.HaHa I am quite sure you will have everything in place for Christmas. Enjoyed seeing Elspeth and hope to see her all dressed up.

    1. It is hard to put down, even when I still feel I have no focus. Have a great weekend. :~)

  2. Never mind the Christmas decorations! This little sweetheart needed to happen...NOW! Can't you see the longing in those oh-so-alive eyes? I love her!

    1. See? I knew I was talking to the right people. Thank you.

  3. She's adorable. So much character in her sweet face & the hair is awesome! Housework and decorating can wait when the creative juices are flowing!

    1. Okay, when anybody asks, I'll say "Sherri said I didn't have to." :~D Glad you like her. Her face appeals to me as much or more than any doll I've made.

  4. Your dolls are gorgeous and well, put the decorations up when the moment inspires you do so. It's time to work on dolls when the inspiration is there.


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