Oct 22, 2015

Tiny Rachel and Feline Willie

I cleaned out my studio...no, that's not true.  I cleaned out the old not-likely-to-succeed projects in my studio.  Nobody was more surprised than me to find myself suddenly finishing an Izzy that had been waiting around for a year.

But here she is, watching TV with Willie, our torty cat.  Both girls appear to be enjoying a little down time.

I really enjoyed working on Tiny Rachel--I call her tiny because I've gotten used to working with the 21 / 22" Izzies, and Rachel is only 14" tall or so.  But she was fun, and I had fun experimenting a little on a different finish.  Not something I plan to continue, but I like the result on her, so I'll leave it.

The dog-cat show continues on pretty much a daily basis.  Only now sometimes they invade Phil's space while he's at work (he works from home now that we've moved--just works online at the same job he had in TX).  So every day is Bring Your Pets To Work day for Phil.

Schultz and Willie play like this at least once a day, sometimes several times, if they feel feisty, or Schultz hasn't had a good walk in a while.  :)  If he doesn't start it by going "terrier" on her, then she starts it by jumping out from behind a corner, Ninja Kitty style.  I'm very fond of this time.

Y'all have a lovely weekend!


  1. Gosh, I am so glad tiny Izzy didn't hit the trash. She's adorable!! I remember when you wrote (a long time ago) about dolls' arms or legs having been buried in your flower beds! Hope that didn't happen this clean out session! :~)

    1. No, I don't think I've ever trashed an Izzy. Not that I haven't thought about it, but so far, no. :~) Glad you like her. Her interesting finish--the dark shadows around eyes, etc.--looks oddly Victorian to me.

  2. The little doll is a beauty. She does look older and the blue is pretty. I like her eye brows, more brush stroked and her pretty lips. She is very pretty and a good size too. This particular size is not a good size for me to make, I don't seem to get a good head shape, but I see you don't have that problem. Your cat and dog are sweet and good company for each other too.

    1. I do like making this size, but I'd forgotten that I did. I had to make that dress after giving her first one away to another doll--it was way too big and not right to be cut down. So, too many hours in her, but I at least already have a dress for another doll now. :~)

  3. Rachel is a lovely girl, she was just patiently waiting to be noticed again! Her face is beautifully painted Jan, it gives her such personality and individuality . The Izannah you made me is similar in size....I must make her a dress this winter, now that my finger is working better. I've chosen one of the icky chrome green reproductions with a teeny black print. Odd choice & probably not the most appropriate, but they make up so beautifully. Pet antics are so much fun to watch & make for a happy home!

  4. I LOVE that icky chrome green fabric! Yay! I forgot what your jan-made Izzy's name is, but I'm fairly sure she will proud of her new dress.

  5. Glad you found those "unfinished dolls" because this little Izzy is nicely done. Love her blue socks and red shoes. I still have several projects that stare at me on a daily basis waiting to be finished.


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