Sep 15, 2015

Tuesday Morning.

Isn't there a store like that?  Oh well.  I seldom shop anywhere except for groceries or thrift, (or Hobby Lobby) so I'm ignorant of most retail.

However, THIS Tuesday morning, the Schultz and I had our walk up and around Ironwood Rd...and it made me imagine Ireland.  Cool, cloudy, and very humid for here because of last night's rain.  There are lots of ravens here, and four or five of them (they only flock in young "unmarried" groups) were squabbling over some dead lizard treasure one had found, perched at the top of a massive driveway arch.  Fun to watch, hilarious to hear.  I'm very fond of those ravens.

Yesterday my plans went south--literally--because I had a first time doll-club meeting in Phoenix.  Nice ladies, and I look forward to meeting with them in the future--if they'll maybe get their focus a little more on dolls and a little less on philanthropic blanket making.  I support philanthropy--we donate locally and often--but I drive down there for the doll talk!  Time will tell, I suppose.

Since I played all day yesterday, this Tuesday is all about catching up on bills and housework.  Maybe a little doll work later, because I still have hands to finish and all that dressing to do.  This weekend the hubs and I and Schultz went for a hike in the Mingus Mts., at over 7,000 feet.  I'll be happy when I get my thyroid meds leveled out so that kind of stuff doesn't lay me low for days.  So worth it, though.  Breathtaking beauty.

No progress on dolls since my last post, but here's a finished one you might not have seen.  She's from the same pattern as the Zodiac babies, but she totally refused to play their "baby" games.  I call her Katerina.  She doesn't speak English, but she's eloquent enough in her way. She seems to prefer the company of her own shadow to the company of the other dolls.

I hope your week is beautiful.


  1. I saw this doll on Facebook and commented on how pretty the doll is. I like the the colors and the black hat and gloves. Her eyes are so pretty too. We have been on a vacation as well down to Gulf Shores, Alabama. the ocean is so restful. My doll making has slowed to a crawl. Your dolls are very pretty, all of them and I wish you great luck at your doll show. I was a member of a local doll club, but going to regular meetings is hard for me. Your trip to the mountains sounds wonderful. Hope you will post pictures of the doll show.

  2. Your imaginative creations never ceases to amaze me Jan. I looked up the Mingus Mountains, very beautiful.
    Cappy and I have been walking to the creek just about everyday. The cooler weather has arrived so the walks are so pleasant. We are still very green and several wild flowers are still blooming. I think a doll club would be fun, sadly nothing in my area.

  3. Sometimes I prefer the company of my own shadow too! ;~) Again, Jan, you are showing off your talents with this little character! How I enjoy seeing your work and reading about other happenings in your world!


Thank you very much for stopping by.