May 11, 2014

Ten cool things about Joyce Elaine Graham Brown

I posted this on Facebook, so my apologies to those friends who have seen it already.

Ten cool things about Joyce Elaine Graham Brown.

1. She knew to bang on the battery cable connection with a wrench when the car wouldn't start. 

2. She once made a doll house television--that worked.

3. She could not tell a joke to save her life, but she loved to hear them.

4. She was a great fisherman and camper, and taught me how to build a fire. 

5. When she was five, her dad let her drive the car. She hit the garage.

6. She loved the song Silver Bells at Christmas.

7. She unknowingly named one of the French Poodle puppies Renee, at the same time I was naming my daughter Renee.

8. In general she couldn't cook, but she did make great snickerdoodles.

9. She was a sweet Gran to my kids, but took no crap from them.

10. She was the best mom ever.

Happy Mother's Day to you all, whether your mother is with you or has gone on.  Let's remember good stuff all day, and make good memories for our own kids to remember.


  1. Happy Mothers Day. My mother is still with me and we had a dinner of fried chicken legs, patatoe salad, baked beans and French bread. It was good, but the best thing was to see my mother enjoying her fried chicken legs which we only have a rare occasions.

    1. That is the best thing, isn't it? I lost my mom when she was only 47 and I was 28...just way too early. But I'm blessed to have known her.

    2. Nice post! Now I have been thinking of ten best things about my mother. Don't know if I should include the time she ran into a fence post (and I was with her) when Dad was watching her pull into the driveway.


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