Apr 4, 2014

The roses are awake.

Well of course I'm still naming irises.  FINALLY found the name of the lilac blue one I've been researching for weeks.  It's "Alien Mist".  Took a long time, but this name sure fits.  The older the flowers get, the more they sprout the "space age" horns and spoons at the ends of the beards, so it's been interesting.

Kinda looks like an alien from this view.

A new one bloomed yesterday, too.  She's called "Conjuration".  I guess the hybridizer just couldn't think of a better name.  Oh well, what' in a name, right?  This beauty is tall, incredible to see in person, and smells very sweet.  She's a space-age iris too.

The husband said "The real roses are blooming now!"  Which means the roses that are NOT the miniatures.  He loves big flowers.  I have lots of minis--who can resist a perfect miniature rose?  But the large ones are beautiful too, and I am happy to see them awake and ready to join the garden's celebration of spring.   This is Ambiance and Granada.  The Granada gets showier the more it opens...a wildly vibrant set of colors--yellow, orange and flame red. 

Poor Schultz wasn't allowed out in the front yard, so he sat patiently by the door, waiting for me to come back in with my camera. 

Hope you have a fabulous weekend and there is some Springtime in your life!


  1. Beautiful flowers. We used to have roses and I love them. the irises are so pretty. I am glad you are enjoying working in the flower beds, and appreciate your taking time to take pictures of them. We have a few dog woods blooming, and a few bushes, but nothing like your pretty special flowers.

    1. I bet the dogwoods are fine, Martha. When we lived in Missouri we had some at the back of the acre. So fragile looking.

  2. Your flowers are gorgeous. It's starting to warm up here. Our forsythia bush is starting to bloom, so spring is on the way!!

    1. Can we have a photo when it's in bloom...forsythia is like a big yellow cheer! I tried to grow it when we lived further south of here. Maybe the new owners will see a few blooms, but I kinda doubt it made it. You have forest flowers around your place...a different kind of gorgeous, and a lot less maintenance! :~)

  3. It's nice to see flowers :) The only green thing growing in my garden at the moment is some parsley. I'm always amazed that it survives our winters. Today is very cold and it's trying really hard to snow here. Some flakes are on the ground but hopefully won't linger.

    1. Oh wow...snow? Sometimes it feels like I live on a different side of the planet from so many of my friends. We have 80 degree days now, and will be hiding from triple digit heat within a couple of months!

  4. What would Texas gardens be without iris? I love iris names too... theres one called Draculas Cape that I've always wanted to track down.


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