Nov 22, 2013

Fall has fallen!

We actually have leaves turning color, and chilly temperatures that might. just. stay.  We can only hope, right?  I know folks who live up north who would tell me to be happy for the warmth, but we get enough warmth with our summers.  The hubs is not happy--he's a Phoenix boy, born and bred, so he'd be happy if it never got below 60.

I drove up to Fredericksburg this Tuesday to visit Edyth O'Neill.  We had a great day of "visiting" with dolls, as well as working in her garden a little bit, and setting up a couple of Christmas trees.  I look forward to when she posts her decoration photos--she has a good eye for display, and the antiques to do it up right!

A pile o' Izzies...and some un-Izzies, but they're all welcome.
Is it just me, or do their imperfections make them better?
Virginia visiting with Hannah.

On my way out the door, Edyth had me prune the culinary sage that grows near the porch, so I was able to bring home an armload of it!  I love sage, and so far have not been able to grow it successfully.  Fredericksburg is up in the hill country, a little less humid than down here.  I won't give up trying to grow it, but neither will I turn down an armload of organic sage!  As soon as I got home, I separated out the bundles to hang for drying (our office smells wonderful right now) and shared some with my neighbor across the street who loves to cook.

Lovely sage.  Enough to share, and to dry and store for a long time.

The Schultz supervised the Sage Bundling operation.  Very fragrant business that is.  When we came in, Willie wanted to know why we smelled so "herby".

The Schultz on his throne. 
One nosy cat.
Work on the Izannah dolls continues, with a few added tasks, so I press on.  Body suits first, and then clothes.  I'd get more done if I could just stay on track...but who's to say if those little tangents don't add to the art?  That's my story, anyway.  Nevertheless, we know what I'll be doing over the holidays.

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. What a treat to see Virginia next to one of Edyth's Izzanah dolls. Again, I think you have caught the essence of an Izannah Walker doll. Looking forward to seeing my new friend and it has been an absolute pleasure working with you on this project. By the way, anything above 75 and I wilt. I could not do Texas heat. Maryland summers are enough of a challenge for me.

    1. Ieva, I have had a great time working with you on this as well. You're a joy to visit with, and I'd love to see some of your textile work!

  2. So exciting to think about dolls, antiques and decorating for Christmas! How I would have liked to be a fly on the wall listening and watching you and Edyth talk shop! That's an amazing pile of Izzies, and each one seems as wonderful as the next. And, yes, I have learned to love dolls (and people,too) for their imperfections.

    1. I love that you've combined your blog, Mary...and your photography!

  3. I love the little imperfections in all things handmade. I've been trying to grow lavender here for about 5 years, and everyone here says "Oh, it grows fine and comes back every year!" and mine croaks. So I feel your pain about the sage. I love the way it smells! Happy Thanksgiving to you, and I hope you get lots of art time over the holidays. xo

    1. Pamela, thank you...I especially like that when the dolls are all together, you can see how one is short and stocky, one is tall and slope-shouldered, etc. and they're made from the same pattern! :~D Good luck with your lavender: we discovered that the label saying "Full Sun" does NOT mean full sun HERE.

  4. I know you enjoyed your visit with Edyth. The pictures of all the dolls is great. Virginia looks right at home with Edyth's Izannah doll. You have lots of clothes to make, but I know they will be so pretty. I love sage too, so I'm glad you got some. it smells so good.

    1. Martha, do you want me to send you some, when I send the box I'm going to mail you? :~D It'll be good smelling mail!

  5. What beautiful Izzies and what a lovely day :0) xxxxxxxxx

  6. It feels like winter here. A beautiful bunch of dollies. I am particularly anxious to see the doll with the lambskin hair dressed and finished! I may give that a try. Cute family members.

    1. I'll get Delia, one of these days. Til then, she wears a white flannel nightie.


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