Oct 18, 2013

Plain Ol' Rag Doll

I've been working on a project since this last July...a rag doll. Just a plain one, maybe a little long & skinny, but really basic.  I messed around with the shape a little, and made a few for the August doll show this year...finished one and gave it to my June-Bug when she was here.  The rest of these will have faces--so I can illustrate different ways to finish them in the pattern when I list it on Etsy.

A rainbow of dollies.

The pattern for Plain Ol' Rag Doll will include drawings for the face to use for painting or embroidery, and a nightie / bonnet combo.  Later I'll list a pattern for various dresses to fit the doll, so she can have something besides sleepwear, should her Mistress desire to make her a wardrobe.


For now, I like them without faces.  Not sure why that is, but I think their body-language is louder this way.  The clothing they're wearing in the photos is (all but one) made up of things I've picked up here and there at doll shows--it's amazing how easy these gals are to fit!  The doll is 19" tall, but being so slender, she doesn't feel like a "Big" doll.

Audrey and Helga

The twins.
A Rag Doll family Portrait!
  I'm hoping to get the faces done and photos ready for a listing in my Etsy store next week.
Cat and dog lap-warmers not included...sorry.  Ciao!  

Schultz and Willie are helping me sew Izzy hands at the moment, but there's a rag doll right next to me, and a giant box of stuffing at my feet.  Such wonderful helpers I have!


  1. I love your group shot Jan. They are adorable as can be.

  2. Super enjoyed this post about your rag babies. loved the picture of you and pets too. You do have good helpers. To me the rag dolls are so appealing. I love them. I imagine you will do super well in selling them on your etsy.

  3. Not plain at all.......they're a bevy of beauties for sure. Makes me want to make some dollies. Just about finished with my mothers details etc. Gonna do a couple more machine projects first. Then I think I'll be ready for something creative!


Thank you very much for stopping by.