Mar 24, 2013

A Time of Transition.

I once read that life is most interesting at the margins, where one thing is busy changing into another.  Where prairie turns to forest, where high school turns to adulthood, where complacency turns to planning.  That's where we're at right now, in that last bit, and it is indeed interesting.  We have a buyer for our house, and have begun the purchase process on a new one.

A Loquat tree at the new place!  Japanese Plum.  I've studied up...they're supposed to be delicious!

Well, not was built in 1965 but the current owner has done a wonder of renovations and we'll be happy to live there.  We will transition in the form of scaling down--in the square feet of the house and in the size of the lot.  We currently live on a country lot of 1.3 acres and are moving to a city lot of .25 acres.  The changes coming around require lots of shifting...of furniture, of landscape dreams, of traffic patterns.  But we're ready.

Iris: "Dauntless"  We'll be starting (another) new iris bed!

Having moved fifteen times in eighteen years has us a little too nomadic, and four years in the same place is odd.  This moving feels like waking up, stretching, yawning, and warming up those muscles that have gone unused for a while.  But it's all good.  We seriously hope to get used to stationary much as we make fun of ourselves--the last three houses we've bought were supposed to be "forever" houses.  Not so much.  This time we're not calling it a forever house, but more of a "Ten Year House", and are willing to see what happens.

I've been busy saving starts of plants all around, herbs, perennials, vines, etc.  Our cannas, the ones we have dragged around for almost twenty years...yes, they're going too.  I've joined a garden site that has no end of expertise and camaraderie, and threatens to overwhelm me in Garden Fever.  But it's all part of the transition, and I'm not going to fight it too hard.  I mean, why should I?  A new yard!  New plans!  Roses!

Saving great thing about the garden website I've joined...they all trade plants!

The effects do tell on me once in a while, taxing my energy reserves.  So today I took advantage of a quiet Sunday afternoon...took a nap.  Of course Willie and Schultz took advantage as well...and roosted on me while I slept.  That's okay...I like to think they were conveying a little energy to me for the upcoming weeks of hard work, painting, moving furniture, and alllll that digging of new flower beds.

Life really is pretty interesting in the margins.
Where are the margins in your life, and how can you make the best of them?


  1. Gosh, Jan, I thought you never slept!

  2. Love this Post Jan!!!!!!! My margins are so jagged its not even funny! I do so wish you a smooth transition!! Love your art dolls as well as your Izzies!
    Many Hugs,

  3. I've been pondering this post since yesterday. I was okay till you asked the questions at the end. I went to bed pondering and it's still with me today. I suppose my transition is really more of a passage for me. I've been retired since early December and I'm still trying to adjust. I haven't set the alarm since the day I retired, I've worn make up 2 times and I actually went to the store the other day in my pajamas. Don't get me wrong, I love retirement, it's like being free but, I seem to have lost all my discipline and organization. Truly, I think I have been in a mild form of mourning! So...........I will make better use of my time, get my butt up and get on with life............... Thank you Jan!

    1. Sherri, I understand what you mean by the retirement mourning. I didn't work at the same place or career as long as you, but I went through something similar when I went from being an AF instructor to staying at home. Part of it for me was actually feeling invisible! My job was moderately high profile, in front of people every day, wearing that Professional Face. Staying at home, seeing no one except the hubs, the neighbor, and the commissary checkout clerk was weird. Then I decided it's okay to flounder around for a while, to get used to all the extra time as if it's physical space...and then figure out how you want to use it.

      You've done some gorgeous art work, between the Christmas and Easter stuff...good therapy!

  4. Good picture. Your cat looks real comfy. It's a cute picture. I know you must be excited to move. I would like to have a new house too, maybe in a little different place, but I doubt that will ever happen now. I know it's hard work, but enjoy your house and garden plans.


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