Jul 7, 2012

Send In The Clowns...

Serious earworm lately, ever since I thought of that line.  Isn't it rich?

But I've had Vintage Circus on the brain lately, in many forms.  And I discovered a small cache of antique jump-rope handles.  What's a girl to do but make dolls, right?  They're all different but similar...since there are only six of them--I don't plan to scour the world for antique jump-rope handles to make MORE--I guess you could call this a very limited edition.  The last two dolls I made from tiny blocks, but they're still clowny.
Click on the first photo to start a slide show.

Now, maybe that I've finished these dolls and posted their pictures, I will no longer hear that song in my head.  I'm not holding out much hope, however, because I also plan a (short) line of little stuffed clowns inspired by the plastic faced, cloth body dolls of the 40's.  I had so much fun finding polka dotted fabric!

Oh well.  Send in the clowns...there ought to be...clowns.


  1. You are so creative! They are absolutely darling.

  2. These are fantastic! I love them all. Thanks a lot Jan, I just got rid of the Addams family tune and now I have Send in the Clowns. :0}

    1. Wasn't that evil of me? Teehee! I didn't want to suffer alone. :~D

  3. All of the dolls are great. Love the painted faces.

  4. Adorable Jan, I bet you have fun making them too!

    1. I did have fun making them! It's always fun to start sculpting and see who turns up.

  5. I loved all, but Clowns!!!!.... so darling , vintage look!

  6. I love all of them. Your work just gets better and better. I especially adore both of the dolls with the aqua blue bodies. :)
    Hope you're keeping cool! xox

  7. They are all amazing:) I love them.

  8. Besides being one of my all-time-favorite songs... "me here at last on the ground, you in mid-air..." Your clowns surpass any expectations of the "vintage circus" theme! Each one uniquely crafted...I'm drawn to the first clown (standing, blue & red) and the last post....sitting and looking as happy as could be! Delightful work Jan! Daryle


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