Jul 25, 2012

Goodbyes and helloes.

Goodbye to a couple of wee friends...Diego and Lexi are on their way to Florida.


I set up my doll show display in the floor of the family room yesterday.  This always amuses my husband, because I make a HUGE mess with stuff strewn everywhere, but it helps me visualize the set-up, and correct things before it's actually time to set up.  Plus it helps me see what all I need to finish.  This time it also helped me see how well my new back drops and display props will work.  (Pictures after the doll show, of course.)

Hello to Pumpkin Jack and Friend, who are newly listed on Etsy, and to several others as I get A Round To-It.  (yeah, that joke is old, but I like it.)

Pumpkin Jack and Friend
He's like our foster cat...always waiting for food.
 Also: I just bought 128 pairs of eyes this morning.  How many people can say that?  I love my job.


  1. Hey, I bought 128 pairs of eyes this morning too! No, not really, that cracked me up though.

    You have been super busy! Love all the new faces.

  2. Diego and Lexi made it safe and sound. They are even more precious and amazing in person and that is not small feat since it was love at first site on Etsy. I definitely need more of your wonderful creations in my life. :)


Thank you very much for stopping by.