Mar 18, 2012

Kicking around ideas...

for a paper clay tutorial.  Sort of a combination Sculpting Tips and Tricks thing, showing certain things I learned the hard way, over the last year and a half of working with the stuff.  I've got to get the hubs to cooperate and get pictures.  In the meantime, I repainted one of my very first Izzies...Enid got new face paint and some hair!  (And the Effanbee antique baby doll got her bonnet, since it not longer fits Enid.  :~)


  1. Jan, I just love Enid's new look. She's beautiful. A paper clay tutorial would be something I'd be interested in. I could use some tips and tricks. :o}

  2. She's adorable. You do such great work.

    I think a tutorial would be nice for people learning the skill you are so great at.

    Go for it, ducksy! Go!


  3. She is so lovely! I love the curls! I can relate to hats that don't fit as I have very curly
    Yes, a tutorial would be very interesting! I'm always trying to learn new techniques.


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