Jan 5, 2012

We're baaaaack!

Home from our trip to Arizona, (Hi and Thank You, Mary Jo!) and while I didn't leave the house a total wreck before we left, I did leave lots of unfinished business.  The week's mission is to Un-decorate, work off what extra Holiday adipose tissue, and get the house/bills/menu/etc. ready so next week I can finish dolls!

Schultz and his pal Annie, hanging out while the humans yabber...

Since we returned home, Schultz has been working off his I-Miss-Annie grief with the new squeaky toy he snuck out of my suitcase.  Given the decibel level and the looks I'm getting from Phil, it's probably a good thing I didn't give these buddies their new Squeakies at Christmas.

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Glad you're home, so "normal" can return, but do hope you had a nice trip and that 2012 is off to a great start! Looking forward to seeing the finished dolls.

  2. Ha, got it,
    thanks Jan! Bookmarking this site...Good to be home, uh!
    Yep, it's time to finish things I've started too, hopefully I won't have to stop and eat.


Thank you very much for stopping by.