Sep 20, 2011

New Store?

First let me celebrate: WE GOT RAIN!!!  It was a two-parter...a quick drench on Saturday, followed by a limb-busting thunderstorm on Sunday night.  No damage here, and now I don't have to water until Thursday. (Yes!) 

Now to the point.

The hubs and I decided it's not worth the time, effort, and merchant account bills to attend the arts & craft fairs anymore.  I'll do a couple of doll shows a year, but otherwise, that's it.  If we made and sold small things that fit the cheap-import-price-point mentality of so many art-fair shoppers, things might be different.  But since my dolls, his journal covers, purses, and framed works are each such an investment of hours and materials, it doesn't make sense to sit for two days in a booth while people look at our items, pay lovely compliments, and then go next door to buy the $12 set of quilted place-mats next door.  (Please note that I too love quilted place-mats.) 

To that end, I'll be setting up an Etsy store for him.  To THAT end, he spent the weekend taking pictures of belt buckles, journal covers, etc. etc. etc. so I can write and post the listings.  He learned a lot.  He cussed some.  He realized why I haven't done any of it yet.  :~) 

So sometime in the next little while, I will introduce Hermits Garden Leather on Etsy...maybe we'll have a grand opening sale.  I love grand opening sales. 

Hope your week is swimming along the way you want it to.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand this decision. And congrats to the hub for joining the etsy ranks! Be sure and let us all know so we can add him to our circles, etc. and teach him the secret handshake (haha). Yay for rain - you guys needed it! xo Pam


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