Sep 17, 2011

142nd post...

I could have sworn I'd posted more than that.  Hmph.

Looking back though, I can see I sometimes went a couple MONTHS between posts, and until lately, if I posted once a week I was downright chatty.  The trend for posting more often has been a good one, and I've enjoyed it, so it will continue.  I think I'll celebrate by having a giveaway.  I've been offered a chance to earn a free copy of a My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Software if I give away a copy.  First I have to try it, write a review, and figure out how it will work for my blog/online store applications.  But I'm confident it will be fun to try. 

If you've used scrapbooking software, what do you think of it?  Since I don't scrapbook (in the traditional OR virtual sense) I wasn't even aware there was such a thing. 

In other, MUCH more celebration-worthy news: only six months til my daughter and her family (hub and twin boys) move here from Japan.  She'll definitely be here the four months of her cross-training into another AF career field.  But there's a good chance she might actually be stationed here!  I try not to think about it too much, just enjoy thoughts of those four months, and not get my hopes too high.  I have nine grandchildren, with a tenth due in November...and I never see any of them.  I can't wait to teach them gardening...and painting...and sculpting...and...ahem.  Where was I? 

Well, anyway, here's Vincent and Connor.  They just turned five in June. 

It's TWINS!!!   :~)

Renee and Jeremy, proud parents.

Two weeks new.

Their first Halloween.

Hard day at school.

Best buds.


  1. You have done a lot of great posts, but I think #142 is the best yet...just loved seeing those fine grandboys of yours!!

  2. Jan, you must be so pleased to have your familt with you. Lucky lady!!!
    The photos of the twins are really adorable.

  3. I have grandkid envy!!! Mine have all sworn off kids - lol!! I'm excited for you. You must miss them all very much. xox Pam


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