Jun 16, 2011

Shifting Gears

Yesterday I finished up three more of the wooden jointed dolls.  I still have five or six more to go, but I really need to put them away.  Their heads/faces/torso's are done, ready to finish arms and legs and then dress them.  But right now I need to get going on the Izannah Walker doll class so I can take advantage of the expertise she offers and the creative synergy of that group.  The class is over in mid August!

So today I clean the work room, and okay, some of the rest of the house while I'm at it.  Then I'll have room to sew AND sculpt AND paint.

In the meantime, here are photos (click to zoom) of the wooden jointed dolls, which will all go on Etsy this week.  Um, is it Thursday already?  Time's fun when you're having flies...

Cowboy Jimmy...has outgrown his pony.

But he's got new chaps and a six-shooter, and still has his shiny silver star...

Mom said she'd make him a stick horse.  He's asked for a Painted Pinto...

Alice could swear she keeps seeing a white rabbit out of the corner of her eye...

Was it her imagination?

No, she knows she's been seeing SOMETHING.
The trick is to wait...and catch it by turning around really fast!

Leon loves cat-fish.

These are lake bass, but he'll take what he can get.

He plays with his food sometimes.
When he's not fishing, he dreams of fishing.

Do YOU have any catfish?

Amador refused to be the "horse"...and Leon just wants supper.

Cowboy Jimmy would eat eat his silver star before he admits Alice is pretty.


  1. Hi there,
    Thanks for popping by my blog and for your comment on my red bud tree!
    (Sadly she is a loss :-(
    But . . what fun it is to see your work! Lovely!
    Your jointed wooden dolls are quite original . . . Love 'em!
    All my best,
    Lori Ann

  2. I love the way that you can sit and pose these dolls. Alice is really pretty. They're all great dolls! Good luck on clearing your space. I need to do the same thing, but I dread the mess that it will make while I do it...

  3. Boys will be boys.
    Your dolls are really sweet! Did you carve and paint? WOW!

  4. The cowboy turned out great! Well... ALL of them! Alice is so pretty! The can and rabbit are awesome too... I enjoyed all the pictures!

  5. Oh my gosh, they are all so charming. They have the best expression! Good work, you!! xo Pam

  6. Jan... the dialogue and descriptions that you have posted are a hoot! Wonderful carving and expression on "Cowboy Robert" and "Alice." Daryle


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