Oct 27, 2010


Whew!  I have spent several days now trying to streamline our emails into fewer...and while I was in a fit of efficiency, I even got rid of my doll blog.  Why?  Not sure.  It was a pretty great blog, but no comments could indicate I was the only one who thought so.  SOooooooo I figured I can post about dolls just as easily on this one. 

I will be more likely to post here often than I will trying to keep up with both.  And then there's the blog on Artfire, the two stores, the website, the three (or is it four?) email accounts, etc.  Streamlining...it's not for the faint of heart.  One sad thing I've discovered, but am in no mood to try to remedy yet: Yahoo email does NOT allow sound effects as a notification of incoming emails.

Maybe I should pester them until they change this?  Until then, I guess I just check often to see if we've gotten email about the real estate thing.  (More on that as it happens...)

It's almost time for Phil to be home, and I'm making Boneless Chicken Wings tonight.  (Not really wings, just breast meat nuggets in Wing Sauce.  Shhhhh.)


  1. Ah ~ sounds like autumn cleaning to me. 'Tis the season! And ~ good for you!

  2. Yes...I clean so seldom that I have to do my "Spring Cleaning" twice a year. ;~)


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