May 20, 2021

Spring Fever, Excuses, and Recuperation

Last post was early March?  It was all about the studio, which I have yet to really use. 

My excuse: Spring Fever hit me.  Hard.  After this first winter on the mountain, I was hungry to get outside in the sunshine.  Our spring is chilly, but fine for digging.  I got potted iris into the ground and some herbs planted.  The gardening is--and will remain--limited.  We're on a community well, with higher water bills than a municipal system.  But surrounded by pine trees and wildflowers, who needs a big flower garden? 

So: the herb garden and the irises. A little salvia for the hummers and mahonia for interest.  That'll do.  The herbs are for the chickens later.  I still have chicken fever, but due to a recent recuperation, chickens will happen next year. 

(Click on the first photo to expand them all.)

The recuperation was due to a bladder prolapse surgery in mid-April.  It was my second--the first was five years ago.  "No lifting more than ten pounds for six weeks."  Ten pounds!  Six weeks?  Doc even nixed the dog walking.  (Gypsy is large, very strong, and has the prey drive of a wolf.) 

I have behaved myself, as it was my over-lifting that caused the prolapses.  The spirit was willing, but the body was furious.  Now I can work my way back to normal life.  Wisely.

Coming up: a chain link yard for the dog by the end of July, and a chicken coop/run by fall.  A friend gave me fencing when her little dog passed.  That, combined with a couple more panels, will make a safe run for the chooks.  And for the record: Apologies In Advance for all the chick pictures!

Cheers, y'all!

 Coop/shed is 12 x 10, total run area is 240 sq ft.

Gypsy waits for a fenced yard.  In the meantime: hiking.


  1. Have missed your posts and updates on your new home... So glad to hear you're healing and on the road to recovery. The garden spaces look outstanding!
    Stay well! Daryle

    1. I'm a wee bit late answering, but thank you for dropping in. I've enjoyed your Cocoon baby project. He's so full of hope.

  2. Wow, you've done a lot of work! My German husband always says there's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. I'm more of a wuzzy and like to stay indoors when there's sleet coming at you horizontally. Ordinary cold weather in spring would not keep me indoors either and early spring plantings reward you with a beautiful garden throughout summer.
    I'm sorry that your body is not following in the footsteps of your spirit. Do take it slow and careful until you are completely well again. The recovery process is more important than the surgery for your long term health.
    Chookies! I look forward to seeing pictures!

    1. I'm soooo much better now. And so is the garden, now that summer's in full swing here. get that coop built!


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