Jan 1, 2021

What will you do?

We have a brand new year ahead of us.  Tabula Rasa. What should we do with it?

I've recently discovered that my normally glass half full perspective has grown a little...dryer. 

To re-hydrate it,  it helps me to focus on my vision for what I want.  Upon reading that sentence, I hear a lot of I, me, mine.  But if my life sucks, how can I help anyone else in theirs?  Can't feed anyone out of a barren garden.

A long time ago, I learned to ride a motorcycle.  I'm not very good at it, as I'm a little too abstract a thinker, and two fast wheels requires concentration.  But one key thing stuck with me that our instructor said. 

You will go where you look.  So don't look down. 

Now he was talking about our physical vision, and he was right.  We learned to drive over railroad ties before we were done.  No spills, so long as you look where you INTEND to go. That right there is a nugget I have carried a long time. 

We need to intend.  Intention can motivate, focus, and grow us, if we feed it.

Today I intend to get groceries, tend to the dog's nails, and pay bills.  While I'm at it, the fertile soil of a new year warms in the back of my mind. 

What will I do with it?


  1. Hmmm... I like that: Growing in becoming intentional! Happiest Wishes sent your way today, every day!

  2. You will always do good with your time. Talented, and inventive a person as you are I have no doubt you will make the most of the new year. My best wishes are with you in what ever you desire to pursue and you have your good husband to help you. Happy New Year and hope to see some of your new works when you get settled in your new home. I love and appreciate the things you made for me.

    1. Chickens! That's what I'm going to do with the new year! I'm going to learn to raise chickens. :~) I hope your new year is full of creativity and joy, Martha.


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